😞😩we are sorry baekhie😞😢😰🥺

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Next day at school

Once baek arrived at school he saw kyungsoo who looked a bit nervous walking around.

"SOO!!!!!!!!!" Baek shouted running towards him.

"Baek baekhie !!!!!! Gosh baek are you ok!" Kyungsoo asked looking baek over with his eyes.
"Baekhie is ok." Baekhyun smiled.

"Thank god. I'm so sorry baek i got called by the teacher so i didn't realise you hadn't come back from the bathroom. You must have been so scared. "  Soo said engulfing baek into a hug.

"Its kk soo baekhie was really strong and now baekhie is here with soo." Baek said hugging him back.

"Soo baekhie has something really excited to tell you." Baek said excitedly starting to jump around.

"Really what is it?" Soo said.

"Baekhie and channie yoda are together like the princess and the prince. And baekhie is the princess and channie is the prince." Baek said giggling to himself.

Kyungsoo's heart shattered. He liked baek a lot but he couldn't have him anymore.

Baek was talking next to him but he couldn't concentrate on what was being said as he was so upset.

"Soo!!!! Baek!!!!" Luhan and Chen shouted running towards them.

"Hi!" Baek said.

"Hi baek are you ok. I'm so sorry for what happened I should have payed more attention." Luhan said looking at baek and giving him a big hug.

"Me too baek ! I'm so sorry!" Chen said looking as though he might start to cry.

"Its ok baekhie is kk and baekhie is very  strong. You don't have to be sorry baekhie should have went to the other toilets."

"Baek we are still sorry so we will take you to eat cake after school ok." Luhan said.

"Okkie baekhie loves cake." Baek said giving them both a big hug.

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