⇲ update.O5 '🍦,

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Sorbetes Iskwad posted an update to the album ˗ˏ ̀ ̗̀ೃ.↳sorbeteeees;; - with arkenztein
June 19, 2020 | 9:46pm

I’m Arcis, aka Arc, and you can m𝗮𝗿𝗰 me in your heart— ay shuta, pangalan pala ni ex crush ‘yon. Ew. Cut.

Call me Arc, an owl by nightfall and a vampire by daybreak. You can simply find me tripping on my train of thoughts, arriving at various surreal places shaped by my imagination. Sure, I am a crackbrain but nevermind that. ‘Cause I will always be that super makalat writer who’s only marupok for Kim Hanbin.

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