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• small world •


A month has passed by since Yuta and Jaehyun started to live together, At first they had a not so friendly meeting.

But as time passed by, things got better actually in fact Jaehyun is not so bad either, Yuta understand that Jaehyun maybe is a little bit annoyed at first,

Well if god put him in Jaehyun situation he'll be annoyed too but like not too much cause Yuta is not that kind of person who think of himself first in fact he put himself last before everyone else.

Today is Sunday and Yuta is hanging out with ten, his friend that he met on college, yeah they're still friends.

"Jae, are you done?"

"A second."

"Ok I'm done let's get going."

Yuta said locking the door before going out following the male to his car, they got in then drive off.


"Hello ? Ten?"

"I just arrived where are you dumbass?"

"I just got out my house?"

"Hm I knew it!"

"Hehehehehe Sorry,chill ten my house is not far from there."

"Ok then better be quick, I brought some friend if you don't minded."

"Of course I don't, I also wanna met new people."

"Well I gotta go, see ya."


Not to long after they arrived at the mall,
at first Jaehyun is gonna get going but he just got a text from both of his friends to met him at the mall and so he parked his car before going out with Yuta.

They got in feeling the coldness of the air inside of the building,

"Yuta, Where are you going?"

"Um bowling, why?"

"Is it coincidence? I'm also asked to met there."

"Let's go what are u standing for?"

Yuta said grabbing Jaehyun's hand,

"Ok lead the way then princess."

"I told you to stop calling me that, people will get the wrong idea Jaehyun-ah."

"Hm I don't care let them get the wrong idea."

"I regret it go away!"

Yuta said before stomping away from Jaehyun, but Jaehyun is Jaehyun and so he catches up to Yuta.

"Eh?! Go away jae!"

He said as he felt Jaehyun intertwined their finger before proceeding to drag him.

Yuta keep smacking Jaehyun's arm but the other doesn't bother and keep walking,

Then they found themselves entering the bowling area,

Yuta scanned the room until he spotted ten with his boyfriend and two unfamiliar boys.



"John? Doy? You guys."

"Hm damn right I'm ten boyfriend and doyoung is Taeyong boyfriend."

Johnny said to Jaehyun,

"Baby~ you didn't tell me you know Yuta's dumbass housemate."

Doyoung who heard that laugh at Jaehyun,

"Did Yuta talk bad behind my back?"

"Hm definitely yes."

"Ten you snitch! You weren't supposed to say that!"

"You little...come here!"

Jaehyun said as he decided to catch Yuta and give him a little tickle session In which he succeeded doing.

"Ah help me! Ahahahhaha please jae stop."

"Hm okok."

"Oh btw I'm Yuta, you?"

"Hi I'm Taeyong and this is my boyfriend doyoung."

"The world isn't big at all tbh really not expecting this."

Ten sass,

They ended up getting know one another, you can say that day was magically great.

"Annoying" 💫《 Yujae 》Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang