Chapter Twenty Three

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Song of the chapter is Ed Sheeran's 'Give Me Love'


Turning on the light and showing Chase that I knew that he had been watching me was risky. If he was the mastermind behind the whole thing then I had single-handedly put myself in a lot of danger.

The mind blowing thing is that I should have been scared - I should have been fucking terrified - but I wasn't. Perhaps my survival instinct was off kilter or maybe deep down I trusted him.

"I - I don't know what to say," was all Chase said as he stared at the wreckage that was my room, "I honestly didn't do this."

"I don't believe you," I said getting straight to the point. I needed answers and I needed them now.

"I swear to you that this," he said as he pointed around at the carnage, "wasn't anything to do with me."

I instantly believed him, but I couldn't let him think he was in the clear. What if my instinct was wrong and I ended up thinking he was innocent when he wasn't?

"I'm sorry to say, but I can't honestly tell you that I believe you without a shadow of a doubt. You've made your hatred for me clear despite the fact we're blood relatives - we're siblings Chase! You've treated me like I was just dirt stuck to your shoe even when we were kids. I remember I would follow you around, hoping that you would ask me to play with you again. Praying that you would protect me from those kids at school! But you didn't - you made me blame myself for the way I was treated. At the age of nine, I thought there was something wrong with me," I said, sadness tinged my voice as I recalled the memories I would have rather forgotten.

But that's the thing. I never forget. Never.

"I can't say I'm sorry for not defending you Khloe, you had to learn to look after yourself. I was your brother not your damn bodyguard. Also that has nothing to do with this - this isn't connected to me," he said.

"How can you say that? Do you not get it Chase? I became what I am today partly because of you - your dislike and pure disgust for my weak personality is one of the reasons I thought I should become more powerful. I wanted you to like me," I said as I tried to make him see sense.

"Don't pin this on me Khloe. You could never bring yourself to be in the wrong sure you couldn't? It's pathetic," he spat at me. His eyes turned into slits as his anger grew. I didn't understand how he could just turn from guilty to venomous in seconds.

"That's a bit hypocritical coming from you isn't Chase? Considering your claiming to have nothing to do with this when I know you've been watching me for months!" I said back as my own anger intensified.

His face morphed from one of anger to confusion, "how did-"

"How did I know? I did the math. You see dear brother; you haven't been as secretive as you thought. The whole thing with Caleb was a bit of a hint. I mean how did you know Caleb and Mackenzie had been at it? How did you know Caleb had hit me? At first I thought it was just brotherly intuition but then I realised something. If you noticed then how did neither of our parents notice - I mean they're closer to me than you are. So tell me Chase, how did you know?" If im being honest, my elloquency and problem solving had surprised myself never mind him.

Maybe I should have been a detective.

In another life that is.

"I - Christ - I don't know how to explain this," he looked at me before dropping his head into his palms and supporting himself with his elbows which were perched across his thighs.

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