Part 4 Sleepover Fun

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later at the sleepover

-Max: welcome everyone

I hope everyone has a great time especially you Shelly

-Colt: Is everything ok

-Shelly: Yes..of..course"Shelly pretending to smile

-Shelly(Mind): should I tell him I like Leon

-Shelly: You like my witch costume Leon

-Leon: ya I looks cute on you

-Sandy: hi Leon

-Leon: how's it going with Bibi

-Sandy: Good, how about you

-Leon whispering: I like two people but I don't Know who to choose

-Sandy: who are they

-Leon: Shelly and Max

-Sandy: ooh that's a hard one they are both nice

-Leon: let's go in before Max hears us

-Sandy: great idea

-Max: Barley are the drinks ready

-Barley: yep all set

-Max: Music ready Frank and Brock

-Frank and Brock: all set

-Max: Chef Mike is the food ready

-Chef Mike: yep

-Max: let the party begin

-Max: everyone we are gonna do a showdown match

-Max: with all 37 brawlers, and lets a welcome....

-Max: Gale and Nani

-Gale: I'm Mr P's partner

-Mr P: welcome to the team

-Nani: I'm a miniature Rico

-Rico: Shut up!

-Nani: Bitch eat you words

-Rico: Oooh you've done it

-Nani and Rico: You wanna piece of me!

-Darryl: Silence bozo's or I'll kill you both

-Nani and Rico: Yes Mr Darryl.


-Leon: Shelly

-Shelly: Come on let's go open some boxes

-Leon: I got 1

-Shelly: Nice your getting better at this

-Colt: time for trouble

-Colt(Mind): there's Shelly I know it's bad for our relationship but my teammate is counting on me

*Colt fires bullets Shelly*

Leon jumps in the way

-Shelly: NO!

Leon's POV 

-Leon: Uhhh?

-Leon: Dammit chest is bleeding so much I can't move

-Shelly: don't worry Leon i'll take you to the bush to heal

-Leon: wait one more thing

-Shelly: what

*Leon kisses Shelly on the lips*

-Shelly(Mind): Yes

-Leon: opps sorry you saved my life

-Shelly: I love you Leon and i'll always will

-Leon: you to

*Leon kisses Shelly again*

Shelly POV

We kissed for like 4 minutes before we fell to the ground

and had to breath there was saliva coming out of there tongues

-Writer: Man two ships i'm going of topic

I might as well tell you the rest of the story

Leon x Shelly Adventure's Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now