Chapter 2 LancerTale: On the move

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Lancer was chuckleing at the scene Dream and Nightmare were making until Lancer got a call on his headphones

Conversation between Lancer and ???

???: Hey, Lancer a herd of wild dragon's are on the run and they are killing citizens, so can you guys go and round them up?

Lancer: Got it we will be thare in a minute.

End of conversation

"Alright guys it's time to go!" Lancer said putting down his coffee and going to get his dragon's tack on " Is it a dragon round up?" Nightmare asked while Lancer was walking away "Yep." Lancer replyed. After a few seconds Lancer came running back with his animatronic dragon that he rides on " I suggest you guys go and get your dragon's." Lancer said getting on his dragon after A few more seconds everyone came back with thare dragon's (Well Dream and Nightmare have to ride a three headed animatronic dragon) "ok, whare are the dragon's that are causing all the deaths?" Nightmare asked also getting on his and Dream's dragon " Just outside town...and are flying near the next town so we need to go!" "UP VEMI!" Lancer yelled Vemi Lancer's dragon flew straight up (cuz she is a animatronic and she can do that) "UP Star/Nightlight!" Dream and Nightmare yelled Darkfire mouthed "UP Calimari!" And they were of the find the dragon's.

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