ladrien || 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐧

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"Which one should I wear, Plagg?" Adrien asked his tiny black kwami. "I really don't know or care..." Plagg munched on a piece of Camembert.

"Gee....thanks a lot!" Adrien said sarcastically. He was looking through his closet for something to wear to the Agreste Foundation charity party.

He saw a flash of red out his window. Ladybug. "Plagg, HIDE." He said urgently. The kwami hid behind an empty shoe box.

"Hey...uh...Ladybug?" He called out. He heard a tap on his window. He walked out of the massive closet and saw the spotted heroine. "Come in, come in." He opened the window. She lept in, a quietly and stealthily as a cat.

"Hi, what's up, Adrien?" She asked. "Well, I was wondering what to wear to this charity party my father wants me to go to with him..." He confessed.

Ladybug walked towards his closet and looked inside. She took out a shirt. "How about this...oooohh and this...oh that'll look really good...oh and that..." She went to work to piece together an outfit.

She brought an outfit of a gray blazer, a white button-down, black pants, shoes, and an Agreste hat. "I'll go try it on..." Adrien grabbed the outfit and went to the bathroom.

                        *                                                           *                                                     *

"Ladybug, you have an excellent eye for fashion! I mean, this is a gorgeous pairing!!" Adrien raved, turning around in the mirror. "Oh...thanks..." She looked down, a pink blush spreading across her cheeks.

"No, I mean it. Maybe you can work at Agreste Designs someday..." He said to her. "Well, I do want to be a fashion designer one day...maybe...." She said truthfully.

"Well, I'm sure anyone would be lucky to have you..." Adrien said, but then blushed profusely. "Errr...umm...well...sorry....yeah..." Adrien stuttered. Ladybug looked away.

"ADRIEN!" Nathalie called. "Sorry, LB, I have to go...but thanks!!!" He called and grabbed his messenger bag with Plagg safely inside.

"Bye!" She called and swung out his window. She touched her cheek. 

'Anyone would be lucky to have you...' The thought kept swirling through her head. A blush spread across her cheeks for the nth time that day.

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