Chapter One: Night and Day

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       "I can't thank you enough, Nemuri," I rambled.

       "Oh hush, darling," she spoke with a wink. "Anything for someone so special."

       "You are my literal cousin, please drop the succubus facade around me, thanks, highly appreciated," I laughed.

        "We are in public. I've got an image to uphold, you know," she reminded me as she locked her hands behind her head. Instantly, I watched about a dozen heads snap towards my cousin. She picked some lucky bastard out from the crowd and winked at him, sending him wobbling off in a daze.

       "So, you seriously teach in that ?" I asked, gesturing to her outfit, including the whip and handcuffs laced around her bony wrists. "And the school just, lets you?"

        "Yes. It's approved by the Hero Public Safety Commission, so it's not too X-rated for school."

       "Damn. I'm excited. This place sounds chill as hell," I laughed with a snort. Nemuri hummed in agreement.

       Nemuri pulled her security badge out from her bra as we approached the front gates of the colossal academy. I fumbled about the tote bag on my shoulder, filled to the brim with half the objects I owned, just in case I needed them. There was no way I was letting my guard down on the first day. What if some poor child had an anxiety attack and needed the ocean breeze scented candle I had stuffed in there? Or perhaps some child would need emergency tutoring and I needed to refer to my math workbook from when I was in high school twelve years ago? You never know.

We both held our badges up as we strutted through the gate. Well, she strutted. I shuffled along behind her like a lost kitten.

"I've got to get to orientation, Darling, for the new first years. Recovery girl's office is right around that corner there. She's a small little old lady, you can't miss the dear woman. Good luck, y/n."

I nodded and turned to head towards the nurse's office.

I opened my monstrosity of a tote bag and tried to quickly shove my badge back into the designated compartment. It got caught on the edge, and I fumbled with the bag as I waddled down the hall.

Trying to keep my bag that seemed to be straight out of Dora the Explorer neat and organized was futile. Not paying attention to my surroundings because of the damn badge, I slammed into a black figure at full force, spilling the contents of my tote onto the floor.

The figure sighed deeply. I looked up. Had I hit a student? If I had, it was time to walk right back out the door and never return.

It was worse. A man with a scruffy beard, long ringlets of black hair, and scarf that seemed to swallow him whole looked down at me. He barely seemed harmed by the altercation, just simply annoyed at the inconvenience. I was the one who had been practically launched into the stratosphere.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay? Did you drop anything? Can I-"

"I'm fine. Get to orientation, it's starting soon. Students should already be in the auditorium." He muttered.

I stared at him blankly.

"I'm part of the staff..."

He stared back at me, just as blankly. He looked like he hadn't slept in about a decade.

I reached out to tap him, to use my quirk, but he just pressed his lips in a thin line, spun on his heels, and walked away. I quickly forgot about him and stuffed everything on the floor into my bag.

I waddled with my stupid bag all the way to the nurse's office. I cautiously opened the door and peered inside.

Sitting in a swivel chair was an adorable little old lady, with her hair in a tight, neat bun. She spun around to meet my curious gaze.

"Oh, aren't you the sweetest thing!" She cooed. "You and your cousin are like night and day, I can already tell!"

I felt my lips curl into a small smile, and averted my gaze from the sweet woman.

"Yeah, and our quirks are quite literally night and day..." I chuckled. I stuck my hand out, now matching her gaze. "Y/n L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Chiyo Shuzenji. I go by Recovery Girl around here, dear," she informed me, her loving voice warming up my soul. "How do you use your quirk, Dear? I hear it will pair very well with mine."

"Oh, it's very simple. I just have to touch someone, with any part of my body. And boom, all done!" I explained.

"And how powerful is it?"

"Well, I can make it last for up to a little over two days all the way from total exhaustion, but I can regulate it pretty well."

"Oh, that's perfect! Your cousin was right, you're a perfect match for my quirk! I can't get over how polar opposite your quirks are!"

"Yeah, haha! She puts people to sleep, and I can recharge basically anyone."

Well, basically my quirk is called "Recharge."

Recharge allows me to replace anyone's need for rest or sleep with a single touch.

When we were kids, Nemuri called me a "walking talking coffee pot."

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