Mornings, just the way he likes them

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Author's note: HELLO, to all zero of you reading, and hello to you too, Sam, you dirty bastard. Let's get a few things out of the way, 1. I'm not good with romance, I am very bad at writing it, and I read about 50 fanfics just to TRY and write romantically, 2. If my mother is reading, please note that my manly honour is on the line if I don't write this! 3. God, forgive me.....
"Whales have peepee's"- someone talking.
Whales have peepee's - Saiki's telepathy.
Whales have peepee's- thoughts.
Now that thats cleared up, let's begin, shall we?

Now that thats cleared up, let's begin, shall we?

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Part 1-


Good grief.
Saiki opened his eyes and sat up straight, he was so very tired, yesterday he had stopped an asteroid from hitting Japan and killing everybody he knew.
And nobody cared, nobody congratulated him, praised him as a hero, etc.
Sometimes Saiki wished he could scream out his deepest darkest secret and forget about the consequences, not because he wanted praise, but because he started thinking about all the coffee jelly he'd get as a thank you, he knew it was stupid of him to think that since, sure he's get lots of coffee jelly, but then he'd be expected to fix all the world's problems, and that was a pain.

Just yesterday he thought he'd gotten rid of those pesky powers, until they hit him like truck, demanding to be returned to thier owner.
He was strangely fine with it though, after the incident with Nendo and not being able to hear his secret (and annoying) admirer, Kokomi Teruhashi.

He realised he was too self absorbed in his thoughts and recollection of what happened yesterday, and that alarm clock was starting to become annoying.
He lightly tried to press the button on his alarm clock to shut it up, but as he pressed his finger down, the alarm clock mysteriously got smashed to bits.
Right, not in complete control after yesterday, good grief.

Then his tummy rumbled. Breakfast time. He sighed, getting out of bed, putting on his uniform, trying not to destroy everything he touches, y'know, the average morning of a teenager. Not.
Today he was grumpy, felt like he was forgetting something..... meh, probably just the stale toast he stuffed in his mouth before checking it's date.

I'm off to school. Saiki told his mother,
"Bye bye Ku-chan~", his mother yelled at him, while preparing breakfast for his very lazy, very late to work father.
I wonder when Ku will get a girlfrie-
Stop thinking. Saiki interupted his mothers thoughts. He heard her giggle and he scoffed as he very gently closed his front door, in fear it might accidently get flung across the room.
He sighed and made his way off to school, he was still forgeting something, and he was about to figure it out too, until his three, very annoying, musketeers ran up to him and started pestering him
"Ohh, pal, oi, oi" The first and most brain cell lacking musketeer breathed.
"Hey, Saiki, wanna ride my moterbike after school, huh? Pick up a few chicks?" The second ex-gang member yelled heartily.
"Saiki, I feel a dark presence nearby, it could be a member of the dark reunion! Best be careful, or I may have to unleash my powe-" "Oi, chibi's taliking about his stupid powers again", The first musketeer laughed. "THE DARK REUNION IS REAL!" The third and most 8th grade syndrome musketeer chirped.
"Aww, he sounds like my little brother."
Nendo said, looking at Kaido like a cute little baby."Nendo, you don't have a brother, idiot." Kuboyasu laughed heartily again. "Oh, but pal's like a little brother to me, right pal?"

Secret organisations, motor bike's, hearty laugh's, brain cells- or, lack thereof and a group of nuisances.
Just the way he liked his mornings.
I am starting to realise just how much I lik- well, not like, but don't mind bothersome people, yeah, don't mind.

And then the three, or well, four musketeers headed off to school, but that group of four was about to change when Saiki heard a familiar "Saiki -kun~!" From a familiar bluenette named Teruhashi Kokomi.
Good grief. Saiki sighed as Teruhashi put her arm around his and smiled at the other three musketeers
"O-offu, Teruhashi-san!" The trio piped.
But for once Teruhashi didn't actually care, and she wasn't counting her offu's.
Strange, Saiki thought, Today is gonna be a rough day.
He sighed to himself before continuing to walk, only to notice Teruhashi latched to his arm.

Whaddya think, huh? I tried for all zero of you reading, that bastard Sam said I had to "Try my best" or else it wouldn't honour the bet, anyway, part 2 will be soon enough, not that anyone's waiting! Peace.✊

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