Ena's Note :)

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My name's Ainaa but my family calls me Ena and I'm the author of this short story! 

First of all, this short story isn't possible if it's not because of my assignment! Bahahahaha XD.

Second of all, I'd like to thank you for reading this humble work of mine from the start until the end. May Allah bless you and your family always! It is not my intention to shame other people who're currently struggling with acne because we're in the same boat :'(

However, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those who've been so supportive and still befriend me regardless of the way I looked! I truly am grateful to have you in my life – the character Sam is inspired by the immense support I get from people around me. So, thank you, thank you and thank you.

Having skin issues might affect us but don't let it be the reason why we can't shine bright! We are unique in our ways. These pimples or whatever skin issues we're currently having is temporary. That is why we should surround ourselves with people who've been there and is there to give us motivation.

The Instagram account @/barefacedfemme is a real account. Do check her out! There are tons of other accounts that are just as inspiring. Thanks again, hehe =)))

Lastly, I know what it feels like having acne on your face. You'll feel insecure like all the freaking time and will always think that others are constantly judging you for how you look! At least that's what it does to me! And even if you're just blessed with good genetics, please refrain yourself from giving advice like, 'you should try this, or that' because you never know what it's like to be in our place! Words like that hurt, okay!  No matter how good your intention might be, we know that these imperfections on our skin need to be treated and we've had enough people judging on how we look!

p/s: I'm currently on the 2nd day of the fifth month consuming Accutane! The first two months were the worst like my face break out a lot! Acnes were all over my forehead, my cheeks and chin and all I felt during that moment was, I don't like this! I don't wanna go to class because I'm afraid of what people will think of me. But my dear brothers and sisters, keep going! Don't lose hope just yet because your skin, our skin, will get better! To those who are consuming Accutane, WE CAN DO THIS! *sending virtual hug because we all deserve this*

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