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Lil Durk - "No label"

The disco lights flashed in the club as I stood behind the bar, serving drinks

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The disco lights flashed in the club as I stood behind the bar, serving drinks. Tonight was a busy night at Exotic Air. Music pumped through the speakers and people got wild on the dance floor. "Excuse me!" Some broad waved her hand in my face. I tamed myself, remembering I'm in a place of business. "How may I help you?" I asked, plastering a fake smile across my face. I couldn't afford to lose this job.

"I need three bottles of Dusse." The chick with rainbow colored hair spoke over the loud music. Proceeding to get her small order, I bent down to retrieve the bottles of liquor. "Here you go." I put all three bottles of Dusse on top of the counter.
She went inside her purse, removing some cash. She handed me the exact amount for the bottles. "Thanks!" She then left the bar.

I continued moving back and fourth on my feet, getting people their drinks. This wasn't my ideal job, but the pay is decent; I couldn't complain.
"Hey, chocolate." A familiar face greeted me, taking a seat. I blew out a deep sigh, moving my hair behind my ear. Luka was a fairly attractive guy. Every now and then he would stop by the club, only caring to speak to me. He always flirted with me— however, me being me, I only laughed at his hints. I could never bet on a dude because someway, somehow, they'll leave you disappointed.

"Hey, Luka." I issued him a friendly smile. I could smell his strong cologne from where I was standing. Luka was a nice guy, respectful and well mannered based off the short conversations we had. He's about six foot one— I can only assume; with broad shoulders. He has a skin tone like golden caramel and such beautiful eyes. "How you been?" He questioned, licking his lips, looking me up and down. I shook my head. "I've been good, can't complain."

"Can I get you something to drink this time?" I asked. He chuckled. "Nah, man. Ion mess with liquor." He said. My face held a 'yeah right' look. Who don't like to get fucked up every now and then? "Mm. So, what brings you by?" I gazed over at him before wiping down the bar.
"You." I caught him taking a peak of my backside. Though he came off as a pleasant guy; he had traits of a fuck nigga.

"Luka, I wouldn't want to lead you on so I think it's best you know that I'm not interested in having relations right now." I was being openly honest. He touched my wrist, causing me to look down at his hand; as he caught me completely by surprise.
"Who said it has to be serious? We can have some fun." He grinned. I raised an eyebrow, mentally disgusted by his statement. "If you're not going to buy a drink I think it's time for you to leave now." I took a step back.

"Okay." He didn't bother putting up a hassle, "I'll leave you be, chocolate." With that, he stood up from the stool, leaving the bar. I watched as he walked through the crowded nightclub before disappearing.
"You finally gave him your number?" Ashanti claimed a seat on one of the stool chairs, leaning over the bar. Ashanti and I have been best friends friends since the 8th grade.

"Girl, no." I laughed.
She rolled her eyes at me, "You need to get you a man and stop waiting for Prince Charming." She said while adjusting the straps on her eight-inch clear pink heels. "Shan, I don't want a man, okay. And I'm definitely not waiting on Prince Charming because those type of men barely exist." I wasn't holding my breath. My main focus was saving up enough money. "I hear you." She did a hand gesture, looking around the packed club. Ashanti is a dancer here at Exotic Air. She's been dancing to get herself through a four-year college.

I watched her as her eyes landed on a familiar presence in one of the V.I.P sections.
"Why don't you just go talk to him?" I questioned, looking in that same direction. "Hell no!" She turned to face me, "He started doing funny shit... not me. And he petty for coming here with all those hoes knowing this where I work." Ashanti sucked her teeth, referring to the guy she had been dealing with for a minute now. I'm not the biggest Hakim fan, but Ashanti swears up and down that he treats her right. The two of them were together for about eight months; then the cheating started. Ashanti was hurt at first.

She didn't trip though. She continued making her coins while trying to get her mind off the situation. My shift at Exotic Air was almost coming to an end, thankfully. It was going on four in the morning and all I wanted was a hot shower and my bed. "Excuse me." A deep, husky voice waved, getting my attention. I walked over to the other side of the bar, standing across from an unfamiliar face. He was the right shade of brown chocolate. His beard looked healthy and nicely grown out.

His aura was definitely giving off aggressive and confident. He stood at about six foot seven with a very athletic body. Dude looked like he was capable of breaking somebody in half; or maybe that was the darkness I felt by his presence across from me.
"Hi, welcome to Exotic Air. I'm your bartender, Destiny. Can I get you something to drink?" I snapped from my thoughts. He trailed my upper half with his eyes, pulling in his bottom lip.

"He must be seeing what he likes", I thought to myself. "I need four bottles of 1942. Can you bring them up to the section?" He pointed to his section where many of he dancers could be seen doing what they did best. "No, that's actually the bottle girl's job." I said over the loud music. "I won't tell if you don't." He smirked. "Besides, isn't a paying customer deserving of this small ask?" He looked at me, this time sizing me up. I chuckled, shaking my head. He was definitely a smooth talker.

"What section again?" I asked, not wanting to go back and fourth. "Right over there." He pointed again to his section on the upstairs level of the nightclub. He thanked me before getting up then walking off. I retrieved a bucket, filling it with ice cubes. I grabbed four bottles of 1942 as requested, placing them to chill on the ice. Also being sure to grab shot glasses to accommodate the paying customer, I carefully sat them on the tray.

I was always behind the counter since the day I started working here. But here I am, doing the job of a bottle girl tonight. I exhaled heavily upon feeling a rush of nervousness. Grabbing the tray while smoothing out my v-neck t-shirt with my free hand, I made it through the crowd of people and up the flight of stairs. The security guard cleared me to enter. I walked over to the unknown dude's section, placing the tray on the table. "Here you are." I told him. He smiled, "Thank you, beautiful." He handed me a fresh stack of cash.

I looked at the money caught off guard, then back at him. "Um, I'm positive this is way more than four bottles of 1942." The strippers around him had started laughing as they overheard my response. I grilled them, waiting to see which one of the three girls had something to say. He laughed, standing to his feet. He gently pulled me to the side. We stood off in the corner, face to face. I could smell the liquor laced with weed on his breath along with the combination of his expensive cologne.

"The rest is for you. You look like a hardworking woman." He whispered into my ear, sending an instant rush of chills. "This is a big tip." I laughed holding up the stack of cash that was wrapped with a $10,000 band around it. He just looked at me; almost as if he was admiring something about my physical appearance. "Enjoy the rest of yo night." He sized me up for the second time, walking back over to claim his seat. A small smile crept onto my face as I exited the V.I.P section.

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