Chapter one

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"Get the evil enchantress." The loud voice commanded as a group of people began dashing towards me.
More and more people keep chasing me, my legs have gone limp and my head feels light but I have no choice but to keep on running.

I don't want to hurt them.

I can't hurt them.

As I turned my head back to face in front of me I saw a flash of orange before getting knocked off my feet. I was incapable of getting myself back up, "Oh, oh my goodness. Are you hurt?" I asked horrified.
"Woah, lass. Yeh almost made meh cut me--" a girl turned her head to face me, interrupting her own sentence, "Well, aren't yeh a pret-ie one? What are yeh doin' in sum dark woods like this? Shouldn' yeh be out like... Pickin' flowers or semthin'?" she accused.
Beside her was a tree with indents in the bark. Someone had been hurting it, "Who did that?" I pointed slowly while trying to stand back up.
"Oye?" she turned, "Ah, that was meh, I'm carvin' meh name."
My eyes widened, "How could you-" I tried to ask as tears welled up.
A herd of footsteps were stomping towards me. Slowly getting louder by the second.
I got back up as fast as possible and ran passed the girl, "I-I'm sorry!" I shouted back to her as I ran.

One of the leaders of the mob walked up to the red-headed girl, "Merida, have you seen an enchantress? She's not very tall but she has a lot of hair and she is beautiful beyond all compare."
Merida narrowed an eyebrow, "Why?"
He let out a huff of air, "Because that girl was a witch. We saw her use her black magic in the town. Almost hurt a little boy. I bet she used her powers to make her look like that, lure unexpecting victims " he explained as detailed as he could.
Merida narrowed her eyebrows, "What lil' boy?" she asked, her voice almost cracking.
The man placed a hand on his chin, "I think it may have been one of your brothers." he admitted with uncertainty.
Merida push him back for a boost and began to rush back toward the village.

"MUM!" she shouted as she burst open the door. She rest her arm on it and began taking in all the air she could.
Her mother peered her head through the hallway, "Honey, shouting isn't very ladylike. And neither is barging in."
Merida clutched her chest as she used the other arm to push her back up straight, "Mum, how are the triplets?" she barked, ignoring her mother's comments.
Her mother nodded, "You must have heard about the witch then?"
Merida quickly nodded in hopes for an immediate explanation.
The mother let out a breath before walking into Merida's line of sight, "Hubert, Hamish and Harris were all playing in a tree even though I told them not to. Then Hamish fell out and began wailing. He landed on a sharp stone and had a gash in his leg." she explained, "But then this woman came out of no where. Even the dark robes couldn't hide her beauty. I didn't see everything happen but by the time I got out of the house she had her long hair wrapped around his leg. She was singing a song. And it was as if the wound was never there. Despite the blood still on the rock." she continued.
Merida paused, "So... They arh all okey?"
Her mother smiled and nodded.
"What happen to the witch then? Why was she being chased?" Merida pestered.
She shrugged, "Everything went by so fast, someone else seen the magic and shouted 'witch' she got... Scared. That look in her eyes... It was unforgettable. She then got surrounded and was pleading and screaming. She didn't want to hurt them."
Merida tilted her head, "You mean she didn't want to be killed by the mob?"
Her mother shook her head, "No. She said she didn't want to hurt them. I remember because right after a dark shadow thing surrounded her, I was far away but, I think the shadow sprouted a hand. It was clinging to her, fighting off the people. She was trying to run. But by that time I was bringing the boys safely into the house."
"So she hert them?"
"Not severely. Nothing that can't be treatable. I'm sure that's why she was running. Maybe she would have." she clarified, "Maybe ask your brothers, their story might be different than mine."
Merida nodded and barged in her brothers room.
"Triplets." she called out as the three of them all looked up at her in unison.
"Now that I've got yer attention, I have a question." she proposed.
They all looked at eachother, then back at her.
"Wut happened with tha magic lady?"
Hubert stood up and put on his toy pirate hat as Hamish grabbed his "peg leg" as Harris surrounded the two with pillows.
"Ya were playin' pirates in tha tree?" Merida clarified.
Hamish nodded.
Harris shot an imaginary cannon at Hamish's leg as Hamish pretended to fall out of the "boat".
Harris quickly tied his feet together and began flopping outside the pillow barrier.
Merida glared at them, "Oh.. and then a mermaid."
Harris ran his hair through his hair.
"Got it, beautiful mermaid."
Harris nudged his head against Hamish's leg and mouthed words to a song.
Harris flopped away and Hamish raised his arms ecstatically staring at his leg.
Merida turned her attention to Hubert as he slowly nodded.
"Wut?" she bluntly said confused.
"There were literally no mermaids." she continued.
Merida shook her head as the boys began to change and continue acting out the scene.
Harris kept his feet tie together as he laid on top of Hubert who wrapped himself in a black blanket.
Hamish pointed at Harris and pretended to scream.
Harris looked at him scared as Hubert began moving his arms and legs.
Hubert then grabbed Hamish's leg and tripped him.
Harris flopped away again but with Hubert close behind.
"So wut mum said, shadow attackin' people."
They nodded.
"So how did no one else seem to notice sh' was scared?"
They shrugged.
"I know someone who can tell meh." Merida finished.

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