Chapter Two

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After I was sure I lost the mob I came out of hiding and walked back to where I met the red haired girl.
It was a long walk but I was able to enjoy the scenery. The trees bouncing with the wind. The grass swaying. The animals prancing around.
I took a deep breath and smiled.
When I reached the tree I rested my palm on the carving.
My eyes began welling up and I couldn't stop it.
I laid my head on the tree as the tears came out, "I, I'm so sorry... I'm sorry..." I huffed shutting my eyes.

As she was crying a golden light formed around her palm. Magic was seeping into the tree.

Hiccup kicked his invention.
After having clicked the start button it immediately started smoking.
He slumped down against the wall and covered his face with his hand, "I need steam, not smoke." he complained.
He cupped his face in his hands and began breathing heavily.
The door slammed open, "Haddock!" Merida screamed.
Hiccup jumped and when he turned to see Merida he was not relaxed.
"Merida." he groaned, "I'm done doing favors for you."
"But ya haven't heard my proposal yet!" she complained.
"It doesn't matter, I refuse to continue helping someone who does not only not respect me but also treats me like garbage." Hiccup pointed out.
Merida rolled her eyes, "Hiccup! There was a witch!" she blurted.
Hiccup stopped and his eyes widened, "A witch?"
Merida shrugged, "Well, a wizard or enchantress of sum sort."
Hiccup quickly stood up and sped to his desk.
He picked up a notebook.
"Ya have a book on witches? What a nerd." Merida commented.
"Merida, not in the mood." Hiccup replied flipping through the pages.
"That's a notebook? Yer researchin' them aren't ya? If the townsfolk see that then yer gonna be sent to trial by treachery or maybe they'll classify ya as a witch and ya will be burned or drowned."
"Is the extent of your knowledge only ways to die?" Hiccup responded only half listening.
Merida tilted her head as she thought about it for a moment. She then grabbed a roll off the table and shoved it in her mouth, "...Yeh, probably."
Hiccup nodded and turned to a section titled, "Witches", "What am I looking for, what was she like."
"My question wasn't about magic wielders, it's about psychology and people thought stuff."
Hiccup looked up, "Well you tell me what to look for and I'll answer a question. Think of it as a trade."
Merida sucked in her lips, "Okay, fine Haddock. But I didn't see anything for myself."
"Then why did you even bring up the witch."
"Well, to be fair, I did see her, just not the event I have a question about."
Hiccup shook his head, "Okay, fine, tell me what you know."
Merida smirked, "I knew ya would see it meh way."
"Let me win this, Haddock."
Hiccup shook his head.
"So from wut I've heard, she possibly used her magic to make her pretty? To like lure people? She's scared and over emotional which isn't really a power, just something I've heard about a few times. She can heal people with her hair? Like what's that all about? Can't she like... Use her hands?"
"Merida, back on topic." Hiccup interrupted writing everything down on a separate sheet of paper.
Merida stuck her tongue out at him, "Oh, and there was a shadow?"
Hiccup stopped writing, "A shadow? Like, those dark areas or shapes produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface on every thing/being?" he asked sarcastically.
"I wouldn't bring it up if it weren't important," Merida continued, "But the shadow had sprouted arms or something and it was attacking people. The girl seemed to have no control-because again, the emotional weirdo was like, crying."
Hiccup nodded then began flipping through his book.
Merida studied him, "Why do you need to look through a notebook you wrote?"
"Is that your question?" Hiccup nagged.
"Well no but-"
"Then I don't have to answer."
Merida's cheeks got heated, "Hey Haddock, I gave you a lot of information, the least you can do is tell me why you needed it."
Hiccup continued flipping the pages, quicker now, he had already looked through the section and it seemed he couldn't find what he was looking for, "I didn't write it." he mumbled.

Merida furrowed her eyebrows, "Then who did?"
"I gave you two questions after only benefitting once. Unless you want to use  that as your final question, ask something else and leave."
Merida rolled her eyes grabbing another roll.
"And stop eating my food."
"It's jus bread." Merida defended with her mouth full.
After she finished chewing, "Alright, I don't like spending time with you unless I have to but..." Merida breathed in, "Why was she scared? Why did no one care?"
"That's two questions."
"They correspond with eachother."
Hiccup shook his head, "You just have all the excuses don't you?"
"Of course." Merida affirmed.
Hiccup sighed, "When fear takes over people can't think straight. I can't really put it into words. Suddenly the only thing on their mind is themselves. It starts in the brain and spreads through the body sending a fight or flight reaction. I'm assuming the people chose to fight, save themselves, even if it meant taking the lives of an innocent person just because they were unsure what he person was capable of."
Merida slowly nodded as she chewed the back of Hiccup's pen, taking in all the information, "Okay... So fear... Made them inflict fear into someone else?"
Hiccup pursed his lips together, "Well, see. I don't actually know why she was scared. That could be it, but I can't know for sure."
"Well mum said she didn't want to hurt-- wait, you said you can't know for sure. Does that mean you know someone who can?"
Hiccup pushed Merida out of his house, "That isn't of your concern." he finished, slamming the door in her face.
She heard a quick click and twisted the knob.
She started rapidly banging on the door, "Haddock! Let meh in ya lil--"
"I'm good!" he shouted from the other side of the door.
"Come on! Yer the only one in this town with half a brain." she exaggerated.
Hiccup didn't respond.
Merida stopped and grinned, "If you don't let meh in I'll tell the lads in town about yer lil' witch notebook."
The door cracked open and peered his eye out, "Why do you even want to be in here?"
Merida stuck her eye through the crack so that he could see her, "Partly for information, partly to bug ya and steal yer food."
"Great Thor, you're a nuisance." Hiccup said removing the door chain lock and opening the door.
Merida maniacally chuckled as she walked in.
Hiccup leaned against the wall.
"Is the person that might know why she's scared the same one that wrote the book?" Merida presumed.
"Just because I let you in here doesn't mean I have to tell you anything."
Merida shrugged, "Maybe, but I do have dirt on ya, Soo... It may be in yer best interest."
"I doubt they'll kill me."
"For withholdin' information about the main thing people fear. And with that fear takin' over makin' them believe yer a trader... Yeh, yer probably right."
Hiccup glared at her, "Yes, they're the same person."
"Then wut are weh waitin' fer? Let's go find 'em." she demanded.
Hiccup looked at her perplexed, "Why? He lives a long distance. You really want us to go out in a world filled with dark magic, on a journey that could take days to ask a question or two about a woman we don't even know?"
"puttin' it lightly... Yes."
Hiccup squinted at her and turned his head, "What? No. The guy is just as much of an inconvenience as you are. He's an idiotic narcissist. The only thing he knows is magic and he barely knows that. Added to the fact he doesn't even like helping people."
"Perfect! Wut's his name?"
"Erm, Jack."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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