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BNHA characters as incorrect quotes (mostly from Brooklyn nine nine)

[ so, I... I have a lot of these in my notes ;) and i'm just gonna drop them all here ]


kamijirou vs kiribaku

bakugou, embarrassed: you deserve... a reward... for putting up with me
kirishima: aw babe! you are my reward!


kaminari: you deserve a reward for putting up with me!
jirou: oh yeah i fucking do


kaminari, to jirou: it wasn't that bad! the doctor said the bleeding was INTERNAL! that's where the blood's SUPPOSED to be!
jirou: ...

conclusion: jirou is moronsexual. (unless you're including momojirou then naH, just denki)


LOV: we have kidnapped your son.
All might/Aizawa: i do not have a son?
LOV: then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off his sandwich?
All might/Aizawa: dear god you have kaminari


everyone @ eri (probably aizawa): i've only had her for a day and a half
but if anything happened to her, i would kill everyone in this room and then myself.


Aizawa, before leaving his class to fall into chaos: Anyways, I'm gonna go cry in the bathroom. peace out, homies.


Jirou, entering stage with guitar: today, i'm going to play a song about my life right now.
*Jirou, strums a chord*


Kamijirou, well, on a BET bcuz they do that stuff

Kaminari: No matter what happens, you're not allowed to fall in love with me.
Jirou: *fantazying*
Jirou: won't be a problem :)

kamijirou 10 minutes later
> legit making out (in the closet, bc why not)

i'm sorry for being kamijirou trash, i swear i don't do it on purpose 😳


Bakugou, walking into the dorm's common room: what the FUCK is going on???
Kirishima, shouting from the couch: FAMILY GAME NIGHT!


Todoroki: time to die


Izuku: "be myself," what kind of GARBAGE advice is that??


Jirou: God, Denki is such an idiot
Jirou: I can't believe i'm going to sleep with him
Momo: Well, you don't have to
*cue denki short circuiting in the background*
Jirou: No, I'm gonna.


Bakugou: *sees a group of people doing something stupid*
Bakugou: God, what fools
Bakugou: *realizes its the bakusquad*
Bakugou: Wait. those are MY fools


Shouto: This is not a phase. I'm bisexual.
Endeavor: There's no such thing as being bisexual.
Shouto: Yes there is. I know there is because that's who i am.


Katsuki: This is not a phase. I'm bisexual.
Mitsuki: There's no such thing as being bisexual.
Katsuki: Yes there is. I know there is because that's who i am.


after a test:

Sero: Hey guys, what did you guys get for question 9? I got 72

Mina: I got 56

Kirishima: I got 24...

Kaminari: I got Abraham Lincoln???


Jirou: are you SURE you're taking the same test as us?


Kaminari: Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, i sure hope it does


shinkami bc i HAD to do this

Kaminari, trying to flirt: sooo, what's your sexuality?
Shinsou: I'm bi
Kaminari: *excited gasps*
Shinsou: —Bilingual. I speak two languages
Kaminari: oh... *takes a sip of (water)*
Shinsou: *notices*
Shinsou: also i like guys
Kaminari: *spits out (water)*

i put (water) there becaUse... well... as hq.trashh aka cris once said in her bio... "drinking has no age limit if you're not a pu*sy"


Killer/LOV: *calls Aoyama*
Aoyama: *picks up*
Aoyama: oui...?
Killer/LOV: I see you.
Aoyama: ...
Killer/LOV: ...
Aoyama: ...
Aoyama: Do I, look good?~


aaaand that's it for now ! :)

some of these i took from vines, some from b99 and some just merely from my own half braincell, fergus.

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