~Chapter Three: Long Past Dawn~

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I was helping set up the house for Christmas. I set three mistletoes, one outside on the front porch, one on the patio, and one in the middle of the living room. Why my dad made me put up three I don't know, but oh well. I set up the tinsel around the tree and the walls.

"Russia!" I heard my dad call from the kitchen. I ran back to the kitchen and met my dad by the stove.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Help set the table up with the food," He said handing me a plate. I nodded and set the plate in the middle of the table and went back to collect more plates. My siblings were already done setting up other decorations and came to help with the food. They set up snacks and drinks in other rooms for our guests.

"Okay! By the door everybody!" Dad said shooing us out of the kitchen. I chuckled and walked by the front doors. My youngest sister, Belarus was the youngest, Ukraine next to her, then me and dad. We waited for our guests to arrive, which took a little while. I was only excited about this boring party for once in my life because America was coming. I smiled to myself and looked around, I saw Ukraine waggling her eyebrows at me suggestively. I screw up my face and shake my head emphatically. Thank God for our first guest though, they knocked on our door at the best time.

"Hey! Lithuania," We greet.

"Hello everybody! How are you all?" She smiled.

"We're all great! How are you?" My dad asked her.

"I've been amazing since I just got married!" She smiled even wider.

"Ah, yes! Where is Latvia anyway?" My dad asked.

"Oh, he's sick right now... He wanted me to go really badly," She nodded.

"Come in, come in!" My dad invited, waving his arm for her. We did this so many more times, I wanted to die. My dad invited so many people. But I didn't see America once. I look down at my phone one more time and see a message from America saying that he's running a little late. I sigh. Well, at least he'll be here... I look around at all the people. There has to be at least sixty or so! Maybe even more! I shake my head and grab a drink.

I hear the doorbell ring when I was walking back to the living room. I run to the front doors and open one.

"Hey!" I beam.

"Hey, Russ!" He smiles. I take his arm quickly and drag him upstairs, it's quieter.

"Sorry, I was late! I was looking for stuff to wear, and I panicked a little because I haven't been to a party in a long time," America rambled.

"It's okay, as long as you're here ill be fine..." I trail. He nods with a small smile.

"How long did it take you to set up?" He asked.

"Too long!" I chuckled.

"I feel you... when I was younger when my parents threw a party, the twins would fight over the easiest room. So my dad had to give the youngest the smallest room then, yeah... I'd get the largest room because I was the most trouble..." He winced.

"I'm sorry, but you were the most trouble?" I say pointing a finger at him.

"Oh, yeah!" He smiled. I chuckled. I saw Ukraine behind America smirking. I narrow my eyes at her. America turns around to look at what I was looking at. She winks and points to me and then to him. He turns back around to face me.

"Is that your sister?" He asks pointing a thumb at her.

"Yeah..." I sigh. He runs over to her and holds his hand out to shake. I roll my eyes and watch as Ukraine introduces herself. She looks back at me still holding onto his hand. I shake my head. Please don't steal him Ukraine! She drags him away. What the hell Ukraine! I run after them. I see part of Ukraine's skirt fly behind a wall across the room. I quickly move past all of the people and go into the living room.

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