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Baz has been driving me nuts.

One more week. I've been counting the days we have left until summer holiday since school started. It feels like an eternity, just like every year before.

Penny suggested a walk to clear my mind, so that's what we're doing. We're talking as we move down the edge of the Great Lawn. We're talking, but we don't really have much to say. Just the general complaints about our roommates and the Magickal Science exam. I'm only half listening.

And then I see them.

My girlfriend. Holding hands with my nemesis. (Both hands. Facing each other. Like they are about to break into song.)

I feel all my magic move from the pit of my stomach to the edge of my skin as I stare at Baz (who is still holding my girlfriend's hands, by the way). Finally, they both look up.

Baz stares at me, wickedly.

As I'm glaring at Baz, I see him give the smallest smirk across his pale face. "You're kind of interrupting something here, Snow."

He always knows exactly the right thing to say to piss me off.

I don't want an explanation of why they are together. At that moment, all I want to do is tear them apart. I don't care what Agatha and Baz are meeting in the forest in secret for. I just want them to get as far away from each other as possible. I take off, prepared to deck him in his stupid, villainous smirk. I don't even think to summon my sword.

Just as I start to run at them, Penny grabs my wrist. I forgot she was there. She yanks on me hard, pulling me back. She's short, but she is surprisingly strong.

"Penny-" I begin to angrily call out, but I am stopped by a twisting sensation. I feel Penny still on my arm, but I can't feel the ground beneath my feet anymore. A strong force is surrounding us. The pressure keeps building up, causing my ears to pop.

We are not in the forest anymore.

Carry On, Simon Snow: The PrequelWhere stories live. Discover now