
830 33 25

May 15th, 2024 • present

. . .

Ah, he couldn't see anything again. Joseph would always vividly see a dulled, blank screen in front of him, from time to time and nothing else. He never pondered about it though, sticking your nose into something too deep could get you in trouble, especially if you weren't involved.




Strange, this never happened before.

"Hey, Joseph! Are you even listening?!"

Joseph blinked, the blank screen suddenly gone, instead, replaced with his friend, Smokey Brown's face in front of him, filled with concern.

"Wha- OOF!"

He was so startled by the sudden scene change that he leaned backwards, causing him to tumble off his chair.

"Geez, Joseph, I was talking about something important and you just space out on me like that?" Smokey sighed.

"Eh.. Ah? Sorry, Smokey," Joseph apologized as he got up, rubbing his back and repositioning his chair.

"What were you talking about again?"

Smokey gave Joseph a "really?" look before sighing again. "Whatever, it's fine. I was taking about Suzie Q."

"Wha? You mean Suzie, the Italian lookin' girl in the class next to ours?"

"Yeah," Smokey replied.

"Apparently from a rumor going around , she's gonna confess to someone after school today, no one knows who, though."

Joseph rubbed his chin, a grin forming on his lips.

"Hehe, the lucky guy's probably me! I mean, who could resist these sexy lips of mine?" he smirked.

Smokey rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah Joseph."

"Well, ya never know," Joseph said, suddenly picking up a pen from his desk and spinning it in his fingers.

The rest of the day went on as usual.


"Ahhh....." Joseph groaned, stretching his arms.

"The teachers gave us so much work today!"

Smokey, who was walking besides Joseph shrugged. "The work isn't THAT hard, you know? You just have to actually pay attention to what the teachers are saying, to understand the material."

"Yeah- no," Joseph yawned. "I hate these frickin classes."

The day has ended, and Joseph and Smokey were now headed home, at least until a pair of "click clacks" began to grow louder behind them. Joseph swung his head around to see a blonde girl running towards them, a letter in her hands.

Joseph nudged Smokey with his elbow and whispered, "Uh... isn't that Suzi Q?"

Smokey turned around, his eyes widening. "Yeah, uh, she's probably going to confess to someone."

Suzi Q had suddenly stopped in her tracks when they noticed her, taking in a few deep breaths before standing tall, bold faced.

"E-Excuse me J-Joseph! I would like t-to talk to you about something... in private..!," Suzi stuttered, brushing back a loose strand of hair.

Joseph exchanged confused glances with Smokey, before turning around. "Oh uh, yeah sure. Smokey, you can go ahead, I'll be there in a sec."

Smokey nodded, waving at his friend before almost tripping on his shoe laces while hurrying away. Now it would be only Joseph and Suzi in the hallway.

i don't believe in fate - caejose/ josecae Where stories live. Discover now