four's lucky

512 26 3

May 18th, 2024 • present

"Josephu, you're here!" Suzi joyfully greeted Joseph as he stepped near the entrance of the cafe.

With an awkward smile on his face, he returned the greeting, "Yo, Suzi!"

They both entered the well decorated cafe, which was brimming with pink and the smell of sugariness good. Joseph kinda regretted it already.

"Take a seat, take a seat!" Suzi told Joseph, gesturing to a table with two vacant chairs.

Slamming himself down on the seat, he leaned back slightly, rocking the chair before falling back down again.

Suzi chuckled at Joseph's not so polite manners, and sat down gracefully, clasping her hands together.

"So! Let's get something tasty to eat, shall we?"

Joseph nodded in agreement, although he wasn't that hungry. He just wanted to see Suzi filled with bright happiness, but he couldn't scratch the fact he was missing on something important. It bothered him more than it should have, but he ignored that feeling and payed more attention the beautiful Suzi in front of him.

"Hmmm, Joseph, they only have sweets here," Suzi began in an observing tone.

Her eyes then shot up, filled with sparkles to Joseph, "Sayyy, Joseph, do you like sweets?"

"Uh... yeah?" he said without much thought.

And oh boy, was he in for something. Suzi had apparently ordered a load of sugar-filled foods, like pounds and pounds. Joseph had almost fainted when he saw the amount of sugariness goods laying out in front of him.

"They're all yours!" Suzi told him.

"Wait what? You're not eating?!"

Suzi shook her head, "I'm not that hungry, but when you said you liked sweets, I thought of getting some for you!"

Joseph gulped. This was gonna be one hell of a day.


"Shit..." Joseph groaned, slumping on his chair.

"Oh no, Joseph.. are you okay?" Suzi asked worriedly, rushing to his side.

He tried to laugh it off, "Y-Yeah... I think I just ate too much sweets ya'know? Haha."

In truth, he felt like some pregnant lady giving birth, only difference was the pain stayed in his stomach. He had eaten way too much sweets.

"Oh... you've got some frosting on your mouth, " Suzi commented, reaching into her purse and pulling out a napkin.

She gently wiped the white frosting off of Joseph's face as he watched her carefully. He sat frozen in place for a good few seconds before turning red.

"Ah- ha ha ah! Yeah, t-thanks Suzi!" he frantically laughed as he stumbled with his words.

He was beyond embarrassed showing his at-home manners in front of a girl he was on a date with!

She looked at him and then broke out in laughter herself, "Hahaha..! It's fine, Joseph. I really like that cute side of you!"

"Ahaha......" his voice trailed off.

Shit, he's never been complimented like his before besides with his grandmother, Erina who had passed away a few years ago. Joseph felt like he was in heaven.


Time passed quickly, the sun has briskly began to sink into the horizon. This meant the "date" had come to an end. As Joseph waved Suzi goodbye, he sighed a breath of relief and happiness. Things were going.. amazing.

"Well?" a sharp voice came from behind.

Joseph jumped from the sudden voice, not expecting it at all, "Woah, what the-"

He turned around to be met face to face with a certain man. He immediately recognized the blonde man leaning against a pole. It was Caesar fuckin' Zeppeli. God, that bastard's name just made Joseph's blood boil up.

"Why the hell are you here?" he groaned.

"Yeah, well excuse me for using this block to walk home," Caesar retaliated, taken aback.

"I just happened to see you stuffing your face with all that food in front of a beautiful blossom!"

Joseph scrunched his face, "Uhh... wha?"

"Don't you dare play dumb, who was that girl you were with?" Caesar demanded.

"Why does it matter to you who I'm with?" Joseph shot back.

Caesar paused for a moment.

"Did you bribe her or something?"

"What the- the fuck, no!"

Joseph suddenly had a smirk plastered on his face, "She's the girl who had asked me out."

Joseph didn't know why he felt smug about the fact that a girl was chasing him, but oh boy the disbelief on Caesar's face almost made him snicker.

"Don't believe me?" he sneered.

"Of course I don't, only fools would believe nonsense like that, Joestar," Caesar said, rolling his eyes.

Joestar. Joestar. A sense of familiarity hit Joseph. He'd been called by his last name several times in his life, but this situation... seemed different.

"Have we met before?" Joseph asked unconsciously.

Joseph slapped his mouth quickly in instinct. What the fuck was that? It was like.. my mouth was moving on it's own..

Caesar looked at Joseph like he was a madman, "What?"

"Uh nothing, that was uh, a random thought haha yeah!"

Joseph felt embarrassed.

Caesar paused for a few seconds, observing Joseph with a serious face before turning around, "Tsk, wasting my time."

Joseph watched Caesar walk further and further down the block. Until he wasn't visible anymore.

He placed his fingers on this lips, "Hah..."

There's something he needed to know. It was almost unavoidable by now..

Ring! Ring!

Joseph took out his phone and check who was calling. He face froze as he read the caller's name.

"Oh shit."

"Hello? Joseph? Where are you right now, you're 20 minutes over the time you're supposed to be here!", boomed the person on the other side.

"A-Ah yes sorry boss! There was a bit of inconvenience on my end, I'm coming now!" he assured his boss frantically.

"You better be, you're working 20 extra."


Fuck, he had totally forgot he had a delivery job.

Chapter 5, end.

i don't believe in fate - caejose/ josecae Where stories live. Discover now