The Clicker

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 A game called Cookie Clicker was on the rage when this tale begins. Many of the children was telling their friends and getting them into it. Cookie Clicker is a simple game where you click the cookie a bunch of times to earn cookies in which you use those cookies to upgrade things for more cookies. A girl named Ray was excited to try this game as she kept hearing about how fun it was. "Hmm... I hope this is as fun as they say." She said to herself opening up to the website. She plays it for a little and seemed fun, but then after a few hours she started to get a tad bored of clicking. "I wish I didn't have to click this button all time." She said sighing as she then heard her mother call her down for dinner. "COMING!!!" She yelled out as she then got up and left to eat. 

After a week of playing and getting some upgrades she started to enjoy it a bit more, but soon her friends had already moved on to another game and some fan games made from cookie clicker. She was a bit sad about it, but thought well more cookies for me. She giggled lightly in her head as she thought this. When she got home she rushed up to her computer and felt a chill run down her back and also noticed no one was home today. "Let see how many cookies I have today." She said to herself as she tossed her bag to the floor. She felt a weird sensation as if someone was touching her shoulder, she quickly turned to see no one. "Hello?" She asked, but no reply.

 As she played three more weeks making it the start of the new month her mother got a call about her missing school for three weeks. See Ray had medical issues so the school knows she would sometimes miss a week or two for treatments, but she never missed three weeks so they wanted to check on her to see if she was alright. The mother grew concern as she and her husband had not checked in on their daughter figuring she was in bed when they got home late and went to school early in the morning before they awoke. She told the school that her daughter was feeling a bit sick and kept her home just in case one of her attacks happen, but thought she had left out that morning.

 When she got home after that call she went upstairs to check on her sweet child. "Ray are you home?" She had asked awaiting an answer, but none came. She open the door and saw Ray just clicking the mouse to her game just focused non stop. "Honey, I am going order a pizza would you like one?" She asked her daughter hoping for a response since her daughter LOVES pizza, but still nothing. "Honey?" She asked reaching over touching her daughter who soon stopped her hair covering her face and as she turn to look at her mother......

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" The mother screamed seeing her daughter looking like skin and bone. Her daughter had not eaten or drank anything for three whole weeks. "WH...WH...AT HAPPEN!!" Her mother cried out scared to even touch her child because she may fall apart or accidentally break her. "I am fine mother." She said with a creepy smile showing from behind her hair. Her mother soon ran out of the room feeling a chill of goosebumps as she exits the door slams behind her. Her mother called the doctors and asked for help, but when the doctors came it was a fight to even get into the room. The mother cried as her husband who came home soon after the doctors came held her. Finally the doctors got in and panic as they saw her clicking non stop. "IT IS THAT DARN COMPUTER!!!" She shouted crying. "UNPLUG IT... TURN IT OFF... GET HER FROM IT!!!" She cried non stop till a doctor came to her and gave her a sedative. She calm down after a bit resting in her husbands arms. "Will she be alright doctor?" The girls father asked as the doctors checked her out although she wouldn't let go of the mouse even though they had already turn off the computer for the mother.

 "She seems to have bruised her fingers to the point some have no skin." One of the doctors said prying the mouse from her hand gentle and then bandaging her fingers. "She will have to stay at hospital for a while and probably go to a mental hospital to figure out what is going on with her." Another doctor replied after they examine her more. They then brought a bed in and placed her on it, but her finger kept taping and as soon as they pulled her out of the room she stopped moving, which soon she also stopped breathing and died. They tried their hardest to bring her back, but what ever kept her alive in that room left her making her body to weak to survive on its own.

(Preview of next chapter)

 The mother and father soon split up and divorced later unable to even look at each other without thinking of the guilt of what had happen. They accused themselves and each other thinking if only we had worked less and checked on her more. If only we had... If only we had been there if only. The mother stayed in the house while the father moved out of the city to start his life over a new. 

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