The Parents

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 The mother and father soon split up and divorced later unable to even look at each other without thinking of the guilt of what had happen. They accused themselves and each other thinking if only we had worked less and checked on her more. If only we had... If only we had been there if only. The mother stayed in the house while the father moved out of the city to start his life over a new. 

 The mother stayed in the house about a year before she started to hear a clicking sound within the night. She got up and rubbed her eyes the clicking stopped and she gave a yawn. "Must be hearing things." She said softly to herself, but only a few seconds later before she was about to lay back down she heard it again. Click Click Click.... She stood up and opened her bedroom door. "Who is there?" She asked, but no one replied so she followed the clicking which lead to her daughters room. 

 She open the door and when she did the clicking stopped. "Hello?" She asked, but still no answer. She felt a cold chill run down her body. "Why is it so cold?" She asked herself and notice the computer was on and was on the cookie clicker site. "Who put this on?" She asked herself as she turn it off and unplugged it. "I must get rid of this computer." She said as she left the room, but as soon as she stepped out a loud SLAM could be heard making her jump and turn around. The door had closed behind her she quickly ran into her room where she saw a girl sitting there.

 The girls face was covered by her hair and she was skinny as a board. "Hello.... Mother." The girl said turning her head as her hair fell from her face showing it was her daughter. The mother screamed as she saw her daughters ghost get up and walked over to her. "What is wrong mother?" The girl asked giggling as she kept getting closer the mother was frozen and couldn't move.

 All that could be heard was a loud scream which echoed through out the streets. Police soon arrived to the house and busted down the door they spread out searching everywhere. Soon they came across the woman body on the ground her finger tapping non stop, but the weird thing is she was dead. As soon they got the stretcher and pulled her out of the house her finger stopped and her eyes closed never to open again.

 The father came by for the funeral of his ex wife. He felt guilty for leaving he felt if he was there maybe he could of saved her. After the funeral he walked past the house and in the window he saw two shadow figures in the window. He rubbed his eyes unable to believe that someone was already in the house. The figures disappeared when he looked again, but the curtain was moving. 

 He decided to investigate what is happening and walked into the old house after all he still had the key and the house was still being paid by him despite being divorced he knew his ex wife would need his help to pay. He goes up the stairs, but stops midway seeing his ex wife and his daughter at the top of the stairs. "YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" He cried out running up the stairs to hold them in his arms. "Honey come with us." The mother said. "Wh..ere?" He asked and soon felt a push, his ex wife had shoved him down the stairs in which he broke his neck dying moments later.

 The police was called out again for a disturbance and that is when they see the mans broken neck, but the worst part is on the top of the stairs they saw the three of them holding hands and smiling to be together again. The police quickly looked to each other and back only for the three of their ghost to vanish. "We have to be drunk or high on something!!" One of the officers said. They notice the fathers finger was tapping they got the stretcher which once again once the body left the house the finger stopped and he was just a dead body laying there.

(Preview of next chapter)

 No one would buy the house for longest time due to the stories of it being haunted, but then one day Francine and her family moved in and knew the stories, but who believes in ghost stories right? The house seemed quiet and very lovely, could use some dusting and cleaning though.

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