Chapter 2

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It was late at night and Soo-Hyuk was closing the case files he had been studying for a long time. He was too tired to think about anything else and went to bed. He often used to think that only work could keep him from thinking about Sabin, but even his small everyday actions made him think about her. Every night when he went to bed, he used to wonder if she was sleeping properly. He already framed the polaroid Haeun had taken for Hyungbin, and stared at her serene face.

"I'm sorry Haeun... I couldn't even give you a proper wedding as Hyungbin. Did you miss me the same way back then, like I miss you now?" He held his head low as he took out the wedding rings Sabin had returned to him. "I can at least give them to you, for the wedding we never had in the past." He placed the rings back in his drawer as tiredness took the better of him, and went to sleep.

(back at NFS)

Jae Yi rushed inside the building as fast as she could, and hurriedly put on her NFS coat. She was called into the main examination room by Professor Yoo. She couldn't help but gasp at the scene in front of her, and the people in the room turned their heads in her direction.

"Come inside. We were waiting for you," Professor Yoo said to her in a monotonous way.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Jae Yi said as she wore her gloves and went inside. "Is Detective Joo In-Do handling the case?" She asked, spotting In-Do in the room.

"This is Detective Jang's case. He was recently transferred to our department, and I'm just aiding this case," In-Do replied.

"I see," Jae Yi replied.

"Detective Joo, you can start with the details," Professor Yoo said pointing at the examination table.

"This body was found near a natural burial site. The place is rarely visited by anyone, and it was found today by a man who accidentally stumbled upon it. The place is now sealed, but the body is unidentifiable. A social security card was found at the scene, but after looking into it, Detective Jang found out that the card belonged to a woman who was found dead four months ago after being reported missing," In-Do explained.

"As you see that the facial bones are badly crushed, so after examining the body we found it to be the main cause of death. The death seems to have taken place two months ago. The clothes didn't decay, and judging by the bone structure he appears to be a man in his early twenties. The card found at the scene suggests that he was either related to the dead woman, or they were killed by the same person. There was dried blood spotted on the glasses discovered at the crime scene. We are currently running some tests to find out further," Professor Yoo continued.

"Does it mean that the killer might still be out there?" Jae Yi asked.

"The person who was charged as the murderer for the first victim is behind the bars, but it doesn't rule out the fact that the body found today was his next target. It only has been a month since he was charged for murder," In-Do answered.

"Jae Yi, I want you to run a scan of the face right now, and start performing 3D restoration. Detective Jang needs it for identifying the body," Professor Yoo said.

"Right now??" Jae Yi's eyes went wide as it was late at night, and past her working hours. Her job wasn't the type requiring overtime work.

"Yes, as Detective Jang needs to find out the victim's identity as soon as possible. He is currently looking at the missing persons' reports made in the past two months, and it will be helpful if we get restoration results so he can compare them with the reports," Professor Yoo answered.

"I will get started then!"

"I'm leaving the rest to you. I'll be back in the morning. Lock the examination room after running the scan. My assistant will be here to move the body in two hours. He has access so you won't have to worry," Professor Yoo said while leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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