I see fire

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All is a blur, the room is drowned in the white smoke of burning incense.

I'm in a room lit with flickering oil lamps, it's walls brown and muddy, there is a weird smell about the place, a mixture of the soil and the aftermath of a rainy day, the fragrance of sandalwood, and the strongest smell of burnt coffee beans.

An old man in white garment, sitting on a bed made of wood and colorful threads, is shouting in a language that I am yet to understand.

The smoke is getting thicker, twisting and twirling about the place, and around us, the old man stands up like an angry demigod about to unleash his wrath on us, my mom is shouting back at him, their voices echo like thunder in my ears.

I stand behind my dad, looking at everything in wonder.

Like in a movie, everything is happening so fast.

And then suddenly, I can see clearly...

I see fire.

Everything is on fire!

Beep Beep Beep Beeeeep *there goes the fire alarm lol*

Gold, Coffee beans, and The Elephant's trunkWhere stories live. Discover now