Chapter 4: Chosen?

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North's Workshop, North Pole

A portal opened in the middle of the fancy Globe room where North and the other 3 Guardians waited. A red sack was thrown in first, followed by two white Yetis. What they didn't expect, was a mere fox to jump right before the portal close and land on top of the sack.

The Yeti looked at each other and then at North who didn't seem pleased with the third party but said nothing as the sack started to move.

"He's here! Quiet! *Shushes Tooth, but it doesn't work* Hey...! There he is! Jack Frost!"

"Wow... You gotta be kidding me" *Yetis hoist him up to stand* Hey hey! Put me down!" he complained as the fox landed next to him and looked around in shock and fright.

The place was huge, and she had never seen it before. It busted with life from both Yeti and elves, noises were everywhere while the only thing she could smell was eggnog and cookies. It overwhelmed her and the eyes of the Guardians didn't help either.

She found herself cowering more next to Jack's feet for security since he was the only familiar thing. She quickly turned to human form by instinct, her senses being overloaded and half-hid behind Jack.

"I hope the Yetis treated you well?" a jolly big man said.

He was an immense man; tall, buff, and a little rotund. He had bright blue eyes, thick black eyebrows, and a long white beard and moustache. He wore a red plaid shirt n high waist buggy Russian style black pants and brown boots. He has the words "naughty" and "nice" tattooed on each arm.

"Oh yeah, I love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal" Jack replied as he Mikoto used her tail to pass him the staff while eyeing each person carefully.

She had heard of North or Santa Claus and while she was excited to finally meet him from close, she was also sceptical. She was not easy in trusting others, especially those who arrange kidnappings like that.

"Oh. Good! That was my idea. You know Bunny, obviously" he said and pointed at the Pooka who only murmured some stuff in return.


"And the Tooth Fairy-"

"Hello, Jack! I've heard a lot about you, and your teeth!" the woman said as she flew fast and appeared in front of him with mini hummingbird versions of herself.

Mikoto jumped back slightly at the sudden movement and hyperactive tone of the Guardian while taking in her appearance. She was part human, part hummingbird hybrid with fair skin and pink eyes. Instead of hair, she had feathers that make a curved upward style and instead of clothes, her entire body seemed to be covered in mini feathers.

Around her wrists and ankles there seem to be golden lines that appear to look like golden bracelets and golden anklets, as well as gold feathers on either side of her head for earrings. Tooth also had long, drapery feathers that start at her waistline and ends at her knees, giving the appearance of a skirt or dress.

"My- my what?"

"Open up!" she said and forced his mouth open while looking at his teeth. "Are they really as white as they say? Yes- Oh! Oh, they really do sparkle like freshly fallen snow. *Tooth Fairies swoon,* Girls, pull yourself together. Let's not disgrace the uniform"

With that she flew away, leaving a shocked Jack behind.

"And Sandman. Sandy? Sandy? *Nudges him as he sleep-hovers* Wake up!" his lifted tone caused the Sandman to startle awake and descends to the floor.

"Hey! Woah! Anyone wanna tell me why I'm here?"

Sandy quickly formed sand above his head in the form of symbols which changed in an attempt to narrate a story. However, the speed was too much for both spirits to understand and only ended up being more confused.

"Uh, eh- the- that's not really helping, but- but thanks little man," Jack said and Mikoto gave a small bow, hands-on her laps before turning body to keep an eye on Jack who walked slowly. HE tapped an elf with his staff and made it freeze. "I must've done something really bad to get you four together- Wha-? Am I on the Naughty List?"

"Hah! On Naughty List? *he laughed and then put a serious face* You hold the record" North's statement made Mikoto smile and chuckle silently, not surprised by such revelation. "But! No matter, we overlook. Now we are wiping clean the slate" he wiped his hand with the word 'Naughty' on it, literally symbolizing that he was out of the list.

"How come?" Jack asked voicing out Mikoto's thoughts.

"Hah, good question" Bunny commented.

"How come? I tell you how come! Because now, you are a Guardian!"

The Yetis all lit poi sticks while some elves play a jubilant song on trumpets and drums. Two baby teeth bring Jack a snowflake necklace made of paper while he starts to freak out. North only laughs as the festivities continue.

The elves march around while the Yetis walk closer to Jack and then go behind him before propping him up on his stop in the middle of the Guardian symbol. Poor Jack is hella confused when two elves want him to put on a pair of shoes.

He looks around him for help. North is still delighted while the Yetis hold a fancy book. Tooth and her baby teeth fairies chatter. Sandy toasts to Jack and Bunny rolls his eyes. Two Yeti approach with the poi sticks and Mikoto immediately appears between them and with a flick of her hand light them off, knowing Jack and fire didn't mix.

Having enough of this, Jack lifts his staff and then slams it down; freezing all of the performers and shocking all the Guardians.

"What makes you think I wanna be a Guardian?" he asked as Mikoto felt bad for the performers and sends a warm air breath to melt the ice around them.

North laughed loudly while Bunny laughed nervously, before becoming serious. Then, Santa Clause took the stage. "Of course you do. Music!" he said and snapped his fingers.

The elves start to play the song again, now unfrozen.

"No music!" Jack shouted and the music quickly died. An Elf with trumpet used the trumpet to smack his comrade with the sousaphone. "This is all very flattering, but, uh... You don't want me. You're all hard work and deadlines. And I'm... snowballs and fun times. I'm not a Guardian"

"Hah! That's exactly what I said!" Bunny said.

"Jack, I don't think you understand what it is we do," Tooth said and indicated for the Giant Globe with lights coming from literally every spot of the planet. "Each of those lights is a child-"

"A child who believes. And good or bad, Naughty or Nice, we protect them" North continued.

"Ah- ah-" was Jack only reply as his mouth was held open by the tooth fairy while Mikoto watched horrified at the violation of private space.

"Tooth fingers out of the mouth"

"Oh, sorry! *releases Jack* Heh, they're beautiful!"

"Okay, no more wishy-washy, Pitch is out there doing who knows what!" North said in a serious tone and turned to look at Jack.

"You mean th-the Boogey Man?" Jack asked amused and looked at his friend who had tilted her head to the side.

For them, the Boogeyman was a myth, a scary story. He couldn't be real and even if he was, what damage could he truly do? Who was scared of the Boogeyman, to begin with?

"Yes! When Pitch threatens us, he threatens them as well!"

"All the more reason to pick someone more qualified!"

"Pick? Do you think we pick?! No! You were chosen! Like we were all chosen! By Man in Moon," Santa said and pointed at the full moon above them.


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