𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 2

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I woke to the noise of my dreadful alarm clock. That thing was something I've always hated, the noise just made me want to ball up and dig myself a hole. I never understood why Apple had to make the default shit something annoying, like who does that?

Nevertheless, I got up and turned it off, it was just turning 6:00. great. Today was the first day of my Senior year, one more year Ell, one more year that's all. My eyes travel around my room, which was a very messy and dim lite room. My bed was in the center with my paint shit to the left and my dresser to the right. The wallpaper was an off grey color, my room simply reminds me of a man cave, dark and horribly light. The only light coming from the room is the window that is near the left side of my room. It was a small window that sat high up on the wall, it was very thin so you couldn't really call that light but it's the best I could do. The basement isn't fun, at all.

I let out a sigh and I get up, the dreadful lonely world awaits me, yay. You could call me the lone wolf, the loner, or simply the loser. I ride solo, did things on my own, there was no other way to do them. I never made friends as a kid so as the years went on, the harder it was for me to get out there. I wasn't the one who you expected to have a shit life. It wasn't a shit life, I was just alone. No parents, no social life, It was me and my soul, and for myself, that was the best thing in the world. 

You may think that's selfish of me but if you look at the world the way I do, and been through the shit I've been through, it's not selfish. It's called loneliness, welcome to my world. I just have to get through Senior year, that's all I gotta do. One more year and then I can be a free soul and sleep and binge watch Netflix and get fat. That life sounds great, oh, and work. I climb out of my tiny bed and make my way to the bathroom, honestly, I'm horrified by the way my face looks. I have dark circles under both of my eyes, that might be from either reading all night or painting. There is no wrong or right there. My hair is a knotted mess on the top of my head in a bun and I just look overall dead. I guess that's what a summer of not doing anything will do to you. I made the impulse decision to at least try to look somewhat decent, Ahah sike. I grab my hairbrush and I start to brush out the rat's nest in my hair, I would honestly be surprised if there wasn't a rat family in there, it's bad. 

Finally got that shit nest taken care of. That thing took 15 minutes to even brush. I put some sort of bright stuff that isn't supposed to make you look dead. Concealer I think? I don't know but It seems to work. As much as I don't care what people think, I don't want people to think I cried the whole summer, which I totally didn't. yeah who am I kidding, I did. I cried a lot. That's life, I just gotta get over it. I end up getting changed into a random pair of grey sweats I found on the floor and a tee-shirt that I think I stole from someone last year, I really don't remember nor care. I walk back out into my awful room and I grab my bag and phone, it's now 6:45. Do I know what took forever to get ready, no I did not but I don't care, I will still be early? I also grab my favorite book, War, and Peace. Very good book. Okay enough about books, I grab all the belongings and outside I go, starting my long ass walk to the school. I don't have a car, I've never been able to feel okay in a car, I always have a breakdown every time I step foot into one.I place my headphone into my ears then plugging the end into my phone, turning on my playlist and I just jam out while walking to school. I might as well make this a good morning, I guess.

I step foot into my school, West-Ward High. It's a dumb name, a very dumb name and if I could give any advice to the people who named this school, it would be to not use that name. The school was always a place that I never felt comfortable in, I was always nervous and I felt out of place. I knew no one here, 13 years of school and I don't know a single soul in this building. I spot people looking at me from every direction which was sadly something that was common. I was bullied my whole life, by everyone. I was known as the girl who had no parents and the girl who never had friends. I was a freak to all of them, they all acted like I some unknown life and always avoided me. Something I was completely fine with. I don't think people would like me very much anyways.

I approach my locker, ignoring every single human being in the area that was looking at me. This may because I'm not the other girls and I don't give two shits on how I dress, something I don't like to care about. I open my locker and I shove my bag in there, grabbing a pencil and notebook. I close the janky grey thing and I walk the other direction, to my next class. 

West-Ward High was one of the normal schools in the county. We weren't rich and we weren't poor, we were just okay. The school was a brick building, it brought the character to the school and it looks to be old the first time I even looked at it. It's not the say on the inside, Yellowish-white paint surrounds all the walls around here, with a grey tile flooring. The lockers were bright grey and the hallways were full of windows. It was an old building on the outside but a modern building on the inside, that's the only thing I enjoyed about this place was this. Strange.

I step foot into my biology class. I never took it the previous years so a few seniors have to get caught up in credits. It was quite annoying and apparently we are assigned a project on the first day. Something I'm not looking forward too but I'm willing to do. By myself.

No one really knows why I choose to keep to myself and I don't talk much, honestly that it non of their business and I could frankly care less. I do what I do, as I've said before. I run my fingers threw my hair and I sit towards the back of the class. Not a lot of people sit back here, it's mostly the misfit that finds their way to the back. I don't mind though, they don't talk much.

A few minutes later the classroom fills up and the teacher walks in with a stack of papers and starts rambling. I wasn't listening, I really don't need too. I was smart enough to just look at the notes online the day before a test or big day and pass with flying colors. That was always something I was thankful for, one of the very little things.

"Okay class, as you may have heard. You are required to do a project in the first week of this class. I'll make it short and simple, its biology so does something about this topic. I want to see how you all think and get to know you all for the year. Normally I would have you do this by yourself; however, this year, you will work with another human being and before you all try to convince me otherwise, I will state I'm not changing the assignment. You will have to work with someone else. This should be easy for all of you." The words flow out of the teacher's mouth. His name is Mr. Scott? I think I really don't care but he's actually crazy if I'm thinking I'm working with another human being.

"Emilia, with hmm, Jaden" He finally got to the last few people. Your kidding right? I'm not working with him. At all. 

My blood his high and my nerves are right there along with it. I did not sign up for this. Maybe I can just do it by myself, ill save us both the trouble. The rising popular kid doesn't need to be seen around a loser like me and it won't happen.

a/n: thoughts?

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