Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Author's P.O.V*

A glossy wooden door opens after the doorbell rings. Zayn figures that it is Niall since he likes to pop up at random times without notifying him. To his surprise, Harry is standing there in some tan corduroy pants and a tan, low cut crop top that has a sliced cartoon watermelon in the middle of it. The front of his curls are pull into a ponytail while the rest dangle in the back. There are three rings on each of his hands that twinkle in the sunlight. He looks over Zayn and his cheeks turn a bright pink when he acknowledges that he is only wearing basketball shorts. The slight wetness of his hair gives away that he must have just gotten out of the shower. Maybe he should have came at three instead of two thirty.

"Hi Zayn. I-i-its nice to f-finally meet y-you." Harry greets while bowing before standing up straight and extending his hand.

"You don't have to do all that. I'm not the president or anything. A hug will do just fine." Zayn laughs out and opening his arms, which Harry walks in to.

"Sorry. This is what I was warning you about." Harry states once he pulls away from the hug and immediately trips as he steps into the home.

"It doesn't change my view about you." Zayn replies while closing the door and trying to contain his laughter.

"So what would you like for me to do?" Harry asks, folding his hands in front of him and looking around the place.

"You can sit on the couch and start the anime while I go put on a shirt and serve you our dinner." Zayn answers then walks up the stairs.

Harry nods his head then goes into the living room. The house has such a set theme. It has such a homey feel to it, resembling a cabin almost. The home even brings down his nerves a bit. He takes a seat on the soft couch that slowly starts to form to his butt. He grabs the remote and presses play for the show to start. His eyes never leave the tv as he pays attention to every word that is said between the characters. That causes him to be unaware of Zayn coming down the stairs and into the kitchen. Once Zayn exits the kitchen a fond smile creeps on his face when he sees the concentration on the younger male's face. He steps into the living room with two bowls in his hands.

"I ordered us some Italian. It's Minestrone." Zayn informs, plopping down next to him then passing him his food.

"I've never had Italian before but I'm positive I'll like this." Harry responds, his mouth watering at the smell.

They spend the next three hours somewhat cuddling each other as they watch the shows. Harry kind of like that they are this close. With this distance, he's able to smell the soap and cologne that he used. The smell was nowhere near overbearing. He smells like comfort. He's not sure if that's the right word to use though. He just hopes that he doesn't smell bad to him even if he had put on a very small amount of cologne. Throughout those three hours, he would ask some questions about the show or blurt out comments about, which Zayn would usually find annoying but he didn't. Anything Harry does probably wouldn't annoy him anyway.

"Why did they make Ban so attractive?" Harry questions as another episode starts to play.

"Don't know but I'm internally glad that they did." Zayn says then playfully bumps his shoulder against his."Would you say he's even more attractive than me?"

"I mean you're the real deal and he's not." Harry tells him before he shakes his head."I'm sorry. I need to learn how not to say everything that comes to my mind."

"I love that you feel comfortable enough to say whatever is on your mind." Zayn responds, ignoring the vibrations of his phone in his pocket.

"It's just your aura is so inviting like a hug from your mum." Harry replies before pausing the show.

Their eyes greet each other for a brief second then proceeding to hypnotize each other. The room starts to feel warm and secure than it has ever been. They didn't know their aura could cause this much surge of influence. Harry feels like a little kid as his left cheek is cup softly. A thumb rubs across the skin slowly, which gets the cocoons in his stomach to hatch into a rainbow of butterflies. He didn't expect things to move this fast on the first date but for some reason he doesn't mind it. He suddenly feels the need to touch him and kiss him. This need has never happen to him before no matter how many attractive people he had came across. Their lips are an inch apart before he gets the courage to speak.

"I'm very confused on what's about to happen." Harry whispers, watching as another hand is place on his knee and squeezing ever so gently.

"If you don't like it or want it to happen, you can just pull away." Zayn says then slowly touching their lips together.

In this moment, Harry realizes that he just gave away his first kiss. He didn't grow up thinking that he would give his firsts to the one but this is still a huge moment for him. He couldn't wait to tell his sister and Liam about this. Then it hits him that he doesn't know how to kiss someone. Sure he's seen plenty of people do it in the movies but there has to be some technique to it. Before he has the chance to experiment, he lets out a squeak as his tongue is suck on. All he can hear now is his heart begging to jump from his body. The volume only gets louder when the cushion of the couch meets his back. There is a weight on top of him but it isn't crushing him. He just feels it on his legs but it's still enough to get him melting into the couch.

Things go a bit further when his butt is grip. Though his eyes are closed, that doesn't stop them from clouding over. All thought leaves his head. His body is just focusing on whatever Zayn wants to do with it. There's this weird tingle that settles in the pit of his stomach then spreads to his crotch. His hips want to buck up to increase the tingle. A breathless moan escapes Harry's mouth when his bottom lip is nibbled on. The sound surprises both of them but they don't mind it. Zayn forces himself to pull away when he feels a twitch in his crotch. He wipes away the little bit of saliva at the corner of his mouth before moving off the quiet male. He watches him sit up while trying to regain air in his lungs.

"Sorry. I hope I didn't come on too strong." Zayn states, scratching the back of his neck.

"I really liked that so you don't have to apologize." Harry reassures the cloudiness in his eyes vanishing.

"Alright. Let's finish this season if you don't mind." Zayn says and Harry leans against him and resumes the show.



Predictions??? Every detail I put is there for a reason so everything is logical/realistic but as the story picks up you'll see what I'm talking about.


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