Chapter 2:

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The markets were horrible.

Literally just spent the whole time utterly confused about who that guy was.

Honestly, know one is that mysterious and well, very attractive in this area. It's crazy.

I spent my time following Harry and Elsa, awkwardly third-wheeling as they were having the best time of their lives.

We only stayed at the markets until the weather completely changed and started pouring down rain on everyone in the area.

Thank god we were only down the street so it wasn't far to run back home. Too bad for harry who completely back flipped on to the wet pavement and face planting hard taking Elsa with him.

His hat ended up half way across the street from the wind and his dreaded curly hair was dripping down the sides of his face.

We finally made it back though, with tears in mine and Elsa's eyes from laughter and a very embarrassed Harry.

So now I'm here.

Curled up with a hot cup of hot chocolate made from my favourite, Hazza, and covered in blankets staring out the window beside me.

"Harry! Let me go! I have to leave" I hear Elsa giggling and trying to have a firm voice to Harry. I smirk to myself understanding fully what Harry was probably doing.

"Babe, no don't leave me. When will I see you next!?" Harry is pleading.

I place my hot chocolate next to my night table, and slowly struggle trying to unleash myself from the comfy duna covers surrounding me.

So glad I stripped my heavy wet clothes and changed into my favourite grey trackies and my furry black jumper. And plus my best fluffy socks.

I make my way towards where I hear Harry and Elsa giggling.

"Guys seriously?" I say with an amused tone in my voice.

I look onto Elsa half way out the door with one foot still inside the apartment being hung onto Harry who is gripping tightly onto Elsa's leg while laying on the floor.

"Harry, I'm sorry babe but I really have to go! I'll be back in two weeks, okay? You won't even notice I'll be gone!" Elsa giggles trying to get Harry of her ankle by wiggling it around.

"Nooooo, don't leave me!" He desperately pleads in a cheeky voice. He gives a loud puff and finally lets go, getting up from the floor.

"I'm gonna miss you Haz, but it's only two weeks promise" she says softly, placing a quick peck to his cheek.

I just realised that I was awkwardly standing here watching a confusing but emotional moment unrolling. I quietly step away and head to the kitchen to make my self some 2 min noodles.

I hear the door close and footsteps heading towards the kitchen.

I glance up from my feast of noodles that are half finished.

"Hey big guy, finally let her go?" I say jokingly. He looks at me with an evil eye and goes towards the fridge. He takes out a milk and without getting a glass skulls the rest of the remaining drink into his mouth.

"Oi! A glass would be nice!" I say, getting up from the table and taking the milk bottle away from his hands and hitting him in the head with it.

"Ow, Pez!" He half yells while chuckling rubbing his head.

"Well that's what you get for being gross" I smirk, "so where's Elsa off to for two weeks?" I question sitting back down to finish my chicken noodles.

"She's gone on this business trip or somewhere, didn't really get the details but all I know is that she's going to be away for two weeks" he sadly says with a frown on his lips.

"I'm gonna go get changed, these clothes are way too damp for me to handle" he mutters to himself as he walks towards his room.

I feel bad for Harry, his first relationship in a long time and I think he is really starting to like Elsa. A lot.

I stare down at my remaining chicken noodles and swirl them around with my fork.

I check my phone that was positioned beside me and unlock it to see the time.


Wow the day has gone fast. Must've stayed in my room longer then I intended.

I get up and chuck my noodle cup into the bin and head to the lounge room to try and find something to watch on tv.

With many clicks on the TV I finally find my favourite show.

The bachelor.

Usually I dislike the bachelors that come on this show but this one, he's my favourite.

Liam Payne, the heart throb bachelor. It's the nearing the final show and three girls remain; Sophia, grace and Lily.

Definitely betting on Sophia.

I continue to watch as my hearing focusing on a packet of chips being opened.

Harry walks into the room, having no shirt on with his tattoos covering his body being exposed, a pair of grey sweat pants and green beanie that hid his crazy curls.

A massive bag of Doritos is thrown right at my face and a loud snort follows it from Harry.

"Whoops sorry Pez, didn't mean to get your face" he laughs, as he chucks himself right next to me on the small couch.

"Haz, could you be any more loud! I'm trying to watch The Bachelor" I say with an annoyed tone clear in my voice. I get the pack of Doritos that ended up on my lap and give them back to Harry.

"Pffft, this show is rigged. That guy is obviously in it for that blonde guy." He states, thinking he knows the show.

"No way! The host, Niall Horan?" I stay dumb-founded. Reaching for some Doritos.

"Hell yeah, can't you tell? Gosh, only been watching for at least a minute and I can already see it" he muffles with chips spilling out of his mouth as he talks.

"Anyways, who was that guy you bumped into on our way to the markets? I would've helped but like you know, I didn't want to Elsa to wait any longer" he asks being curious of my encounter.

"I have no idea" I say honestly.

My eyebrow grow together in confusion as I look towards Harry. But he is too into the show and eating his chips I don't think he even heard what I said.


Sorry for late update. Caught up in the holidays!

And sorry for This short chapter will post a long one tomorrow for sure, giving more help for Perrie on who this mysterious guy is.


Wish I had a white Christmas, Australia is way too hot!

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