Chapter 4:

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As soon as Harry and I entered the apartment he wanted to be left alone.

I understood completely, he didn't even wave a good bye or say anything.

He Just trudged into his room and slamming the door shut.

I hardly slept last night though, I only re read through the note that Zayn gave me over and over again. Trying to figure out why would he even give this to me.

It was beautiful I must say, but why?

My thoughts soon started to drift into fantasies and finally I was asleep.

A loud shut of the door awakens me. I groan and reach over to my bed side table and check the time.

11.16 am

"Shit!" I mutter to myself, this is like the longest I've slept in for in a while.

I turn to check the weather outside my window. Great another lovely day in London. Storm clouds circle all around the sky and light drops of rain start to scatter across the area.

More door shutting begins out side my room and a tired and depressed Harry walks in. He was wearing just his grey sweat pants and a loose black shirt.

His hair was sticking up from all directions and his eyes seemed glossy. "Perrie" he humphed at me and dived straight into my bed.

He sorted himself quickly, laying on top of the covers and having one leg draped over me and his head rested right beside me.

"Haz love, are you okay?" I say with sympathy in my voice. He looks up at me, looking like he was about to lose control and cry in any moment.

"No, Pez you know I actually really liked this girl, I was gonna say the three words to her too. I can't handle cheaters Perrie. You know it didn't go well with my parents." He mumbles the last part and snuggled his head into the side of my body.

Harry had a difficult childhood growing up only till we were both 20 and old enough to leave Holmes Chapel and move to London. His parents fought regularly until Harrys heard his dad yelling to his mum about how he cheated on her.

That was the last night Harry saw his father, his mum was a mess, she stopped caring for Harry and his sister Gemma. Only at the age of 18, is when Harry and I became closer and we decided to run away together to London.

It took us a solid two years of Harry working in a bakery store, busking and I becoming a hair dresser apprentice.

I only moved with Harry to London because I knew he couldn't do this by himself and my parents agreed to let me go.

This our second year in our tiny and homey apartment and I wouldn't change how we got here for the world.

"I know Haz, but there is always others out there okay? Don't put all your effort into sulking about a girl who even has the nerve to cheat on my best-friend. And you know what?" I say the last part cheeky to him, he picks up on my change of attitude and rises his eyebrows signalling a 'what'.

"She's definitely gonna miss these curls" I chuckle and pull lightly on his tiny curls, "and this, not even ripped, belly" I smirk while poking at his belly.

A burst of laughter fills the room and Harry try's to escape and push me away from me tickling him.

"Here's the Hazza I missed" I giggle and looking up at Harry, who has full dimples on show because of his smile.

"Thanks Perrie, but I think I'm just gonna go for a walk for a bit. I need some fresh air to think about all of this" he sits in front of me legs Indian style and gives me a small smile.

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