Versus: Part 2

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After Cole got dressed into the rest of his gi we waited for mostly everyone to be downstairs before sneaking out of my room. When the coast was clear he followed me out and we casually walked downstairs. When I was walking down, something didn't feel right in my stomach. I don't know what it is, but it's not my usual bad gut feeling I get. This is different. We met Jay, Kai, and Lloyd at the bottom and to walk into the lobby together where the other elemental masters were crowded and chattering.

"What's all the commotion?" Jay asked as he brushed past some people to look at the bracket board. My heart and stomach dropped. I felt completely sick to my gut. Oh no. Oh nononononono! Cole and I shared a worried look before he followed Jay to see the bracket. I didn't move, because I already know what happens next. When the other elementals cleared up, we all gasped. Seeing it in a vision is different than reality. It hits different.

"No. He can't do this." Cole wailed in disbelief while sending me his furrowed brows. I furrowed mine too and clutched my gut.

"He already did." Lloyd commented. I gasped and placed my hand over my mouth, trying to hold in my tears.

"We gotta fight each other." Cole states the obvious.

"Ah, why does it say I have to fight Cole? It didn't say that before. I'm not ready to fight. It was supposed to be my day off." Jay complains while slouching.

"It was Clouse, he did this on purpose." I commented. They turned their gaze to me with raised brows.

"How do you know?" Kai asked. I shrugged my shoulders and held my stomach again.

"Either you guys got caught, or my gut feeling. That's all I got." I replied nonchalantly while shaking my head.

"I really didn't want to fight today, though. I was excited about my day off..." Jay whines while shaking his head in disappointment.

"I tried to warn you, but you never listen. Talk? Yes. Listen? Not so much." Cole insulted Jay, taking his anger out on him. Garmadon appeared next to Lloyd and I as Clouse began to approach us. Cole looked over at me and I shook my head, disappointed with him. He sent an apologetic expression and I rolled my eyes. Can't really take your words back now...

"Is there a problem, ninja?" Clouse asked, totally trying to hide the fact that there is something wrong with this picture.

"You cheated! You changed the brackets!" Cole accused him while pointing to the bracket board. I stepped forward to stand between Kai and Cole.

"Oopsie." He chuckled along with one of the other cult members. He had his hand over his mouth to contain his amusement. I growled.

"Your pettiness is going to affect the lives of others and all you can say is, oopise? Pathetic!" I bickered to him. He smirked and narrowed his gaze on me before playing with a strand of my hair. My body tensed at his touch, but I managed to keep it together and look intimidating.

"If I were you, I would save that anger for your fight. Because after Jay and Cole, you're next." Clouse threatened while twirling my hair into a coil and then letting it go. Cole had a dirty narrow gaze on him and I crossed my arms. He left chuckling with some of the cult members as I felt a hand appear on my shoulder.

"We can't always win when the game creator changes the rules." Garmadon said as I turned to face him and the others. His hand was the one on my shoulder.

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