12: Revenge

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Mild calls Gulf's brother

" Hello phi? It's me Mild " said Mild

" Oh yes say " said Frank

" Actually Mew and Gulf had an accident......" said Mild

" Wait what?? How?? Where are you now?? " asked Frank

" Um yeah...I'm in XXX hospital " said Mild

" Okay!!! I'm coming! " said Frank

After Frank arrives

" How are they now??? " asked Frank

" Fine...but still asleep " said Mild

" But how did this happen?? " asked Frank

" As I heard...they have been beaten by some guys " said Mild


" Don't worry phi, we'll take revenge!! " said Mild

" Yes..We will! " said Frank

Mild calls some of his friends and tells them to come to the hospital with hockey sticks, chains etc.

" Phi, I think they are awake...let's go inside " said Mild

" Yeahhh " said Frank

" Hey...are you guys fine? " asked Mild

" Hmm...I'm fine " said Gulf

" What about you Mew? " asked Frank

" Yes...I'm fine too " said Mew

" Hmm...doesn't looks like you guys are fine...look at yourself guys! " said Mild

" Don't worry so much " said Gulf

"Anyways, who were they..do you know them? " asked Mild

" No we don't...they were so muscular and tall...they were wearing full sleeve shirts " said Gulf

" Oh....I never heard of them before " said Mild

" What are we gonna do now? We don't know them so how we'll punish them??? " asked Frank

" Phi, we know how they look right?? " said Mild

" Ah..yesss so let's not waste time..We should go now " said Frank

" Yeah " said Mild

" Guys...We have to go now, take rest we'll come back soon " said Frank

" Okay phi " said Gulf

Mild and Frank left

" Where are they going btw? " asked Gulf

" I don't know " said Mew

Outside the hospital

" So all the things are ready? " asked Mild

" Yes Mild " said one of his friends

" Okay then follow me " said Mild

" Listen...This incident happened between my granny's house and our University...so we should go and check that area " said Mild

" Sure..." said his friends

They went to that area and started finding the guys. They asked several people about them but no one had seen them. But suddenly one of Mild's friends saw a muscular guy wearing full sleeve shirt. He immediately informed Mild and they went near him. They grabbed his collar and held his hands and asked him where are his gang members but he didn't answer. So they threatened him that if he does not tells they'll inform the police. Atlast he said. He leaded them into a big garage where his gang members were chilling.

" Soo you guys have beaten my friends " said Mild

" Hmm..so what? " said the leader

" Then get ready to get beaten up too!!!! Come onn guys attack!!! " shouted Frank

" YOU WANT TO FIGHT!! COME ON THEN " said the leader

They all got into a huge fight. Everyone was beating each other badly. But at last the leader got injured so they stopped fighting.


" Mild..let's go " said Frank

" Hmm " said Mild

They left

" Are you guys fine? " asked Mild

" Of course we are fine...don't worry about us " said one of his friends

" Thank you for helping " said Frank

" It's okay phi " said a friend

" We should go back to the hospital..." said Frank

" Yeah Yeah "said Mild

Mild and Frank went back to the hospital 

" Welcome back " said Mew

" Haha " laughed Mild

" Where were you guys?? " asked Gulf

" Umm...just roaming around " said Frank

" Wait......why do you guys have scratches on your hands? And bruises too?? " asked Gulf

" Are you hiding something? " asked Mew

" Ummm...no.." said Mild

" Stop lying! " said Mew

" Ugh fine! We went to beat the guys who have beaten you both " said Mild

Frank scratches his head

" Oh god...." said Mew

" Phi, are you okay? " asked Gulf

" Yes of course " said Frank

" But...this wasn't nessessary " said Gulf

" Shut up...It was! " Frank

" Yes! " said Mild

" Anyways....don't worry they will not disturb you guys ever again " said Mild

" Sleep well...Mild we should go now...the visiting hours are over " said Frank

" Yeah...bye sleep well " said Mild

" Same too you both " said Mew

They both left

The nurse came to serve their dinner. They sat up and ate it and laid on bed their beds again. It was night time..the lights were turned off. Gulf was sleeping on his bed peacefully and Mew was staring at his lover's cute face. Mew was horny too he wanted to fuck Gulf at that moment but he knew it wasn't possible. Mew slowly got up and went near Gulf's bed. Mew kissed Gulf's soft lips. Gulf woke up immediately

" Hey! Go sleep! " said Gulf

" Just give me one kiss...I'll go " said Mew

" You're so horny Mew! " said Gulf

" Please baby " said Mew

" Ah fine " said Gulf

Gulf sat up and held Mew's head and kissed him. Mew pushed his tongue inside Gulf's mouth. Slowly that kiss turned into a passionate kiss. Mew unbuttoned Gulf's shirt while kissing him.

What's gonna happen next?😘

Stay tuned for more chapters 😙

Sorry for the late update. I'm having a freaking busy schedule. But this time I'll try to update very soon.😊

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