Chapter 2 ~ The Day We Met

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*Jungkook POV*
I was putting the cups in the bin when I was suddenly knocked over I look up to see a man on top of me he looks familiar he got up and apologised that's when it hit me THE GUY FROM THE COFFEE SHOP?!
*Taehyung POV*
I was running back to jackson when I ran into what seems like the guy I saw at the coffee shop I knocked him over and I was on TOP OF HIM!! I started to blush so I got up quickly and apologised.
Taehyung: "u-uh sorry I didn't mean to knock you over"
Jungkook: "just watch we're your going I could of been seriously injured!"
Taehyung: "yes I will sorry sir.."
Jungkook: "okay just go away"
*Taehyung POV*
Jeez I didn't mean to push him like that he doesn't have to be so rude I decided to head home after that, when I got home I didn't even realise how late it was I headed to bed I was slowly falling asleep as the mans face came across my mind as I slowly drifted into sleep...

~Next Morning~

*incoming call from - Jackson*

Taehyung: Jackson its 6 in the mornings what do
You want?

Jackson: sorry tae its urgent by any chance do you have work today??

Taehyung: actually I  don't why did you need something?

Jackson: I was hoping you could do me a favour?

Taehyung: and that is..?

Jackson: I was wondering if you could go to BIGHIT today and cover my shift I already talked to staff they said they'll be fine With showing you what to

Taehyung: and why should I do that??

Jackson: PLEASEEEE tae I need to go see appa in hospital it's urgent please I'm begging you tae!!

Taehyung: FINE! I'll do it but only for your appa's sake..

Jackson: THANK YOU THANK YOU!! tae I really do owe you one btw you start in an hour sorry have fun!!

~call ended~

*Taehyung POV*
ONE HOUR!! I quickly got ready and headed to bighit I met with the people Jackson told me to look for they put me to his desk and gave me a couple articles to do..

*speakers* ~ "can jackson wang please come to the head office"

*Taehyung POV*
OH NO!! This wasn't apart of the plan..

Lady 1: the head office doesn't know what Jackson looks like you'll be fine!!

Tae: okay thanks I guess I'll go up then

*Tae POV*
I get to the 12th floor and walk to head office I knock on the doors and entered and what I saw next shocked me to the core....

A/N: AHHH you've now read chapter 2!! Tysm!! 💗 I hope your still enjoying this FF I'm so excited for chapter 3 !!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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