Chapter one

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This is the first chapter of my Percy Jackson and Throne of Glass Crossover.
I hope you will enjoy it. I'm sorry if there are spelling or Grammer mistakes because English is not my first language. If ther is something wrong please correct me.

Aelin's PoV
I woke up late this morning. I had no meetings so I just lay in the arms of my mate. When I opened my eyes I saw him watching me.
"This is a bit creepy, you know?" I asked him quietly
"I know. But you are so beautiful while you are sleeping. "
"I'm always beautiful "
His loughing was deep and rough. I snuggled into his arms again and buried my head in his neck.
"Don't you want to get up, Fireheart?"
I looked at him. There were no words but my look said everything. Do I look like I want yo get up?
"I get us something to eat."
Rowan just left our Room when I saw it. A shimmer. A strange, glowing thing. I would always recognize what it was. I created it often enough on my own. A portal to another realm.
"Rowan" I shouted
Only a few seconds later he was back in the Room. "What's up?"
"A portal." He looked as shocked as I was. That shouldn't be possible, not after I sacrifice myself to the wyrdgate.
"Please get Aedion, Lysandra, Elide, Lorcan and Fenrys here." he nodded in response and left the Room again.
While I waited I inspected the portal. It glowed in a green light an behind it was a valley with a camp in it. But it flickerd strangely and sometimes it was not a camp but a field.
Than my court came in the Room. "Can please someone explain what's going on here?" Aedion demanded than he saw the portal.
"What to Hellas dark Realm is this? "
"A portal yo another world."
"What are we going to do now?" Lysandra asked
"We will go threw it." I answerd
"Who is 'we'?" she was still skeptic
" The seven of us " I said in response
"And who will take care of Terassen?" Aedion asked
"Lord Darrow "
"You want to left Terassen to this old bastard?"
"He may be an old bastard, but he will take care of Terassen very well"
"I want to take Evangeline with me " Lysandra requested
"It's your choice " Evangeline was not my wart child
Lysandra told one of the servants to bring Evangeline here. Just when the servant left Lord Darrow stormed in the room. "What is going on here?"
"A portal appeared in my chamber and we are going threw it. And you will take care of Terassen while I'm not here." I waited for his protest
He looked at me a while, than he just said: "Okay"
"What? You don't want to remind me that it's my duty to be in Terassen?"
"I don't want to say this, your Majesty, but I think you know very well what to do."
I just wanted to say something to the Lord when Evangeline enterd the Room. There were two knives at her belt. "You realy want me to come with you?" She asked excited
"I dont want to leave you here."
"Does everyone have their weapons? Than we will go threw this damn Portal now - or wait. Can You pleas shift into hawks, Lysandra and Rowan?" they both nodded and shifted in a flesh of light.
Fenrys went first, than Aedion, Evangeline, Elide and Lorcan. At last it was my turn. With Rowan and Lysandra on both of my shoulders I steped threw the portal. Right behind us I could see the portal close before everything went black.

Percy's PoV
I woke up because of a flesh light. I put some clothes on and went outside. There were already some campers on the way to the hill where the light seemed to come from. On the hill lay human. Six humans, and all seemed to be unconscious.
"Can you feel the power?" I heard someone ask
"Maybe they are gods"
"Don't be stupid. Why should gods be sent here?" Another voice asked
I thought about what Hazle had told me. That she when she saw me firs had thought that I was a god and that it was a test.
So I said: "This happens sometimes. The gods want to prove the heros or the human and when we do something wrong, like don't help them, than we are all shifted in snails or ants. Or Guinea pigs."
"Bad memories, Seaweed Brain?" I heard a voice from behind me
"Hello Master Mind. Any idea what is going on here?"
But before she could answer me there was again a flesh of light and again five people appeard.
"We have to check if they are all right. " Chiron said "Healers!" Will Solace appeared promptly, at his side a few of his brothers and sisters. They went to the strangers and knelt to their sides. One of the healers breathed in sharply he knelt next to a man with blond hair. "He is no human. Look at his ears! They are pointed. Like an elf or something like that."
Than an argument about what to do with these strange people started.
"It could be a trap"
"I would rather deal with some strange monsters than loose the mercy of the gods."
"I don't want to die because we left monsters into the camp."
"And I don't want to be killed by the gods"
"We are going to take them into the camp. We will tie them up."

I know I'm not very good at updating but I will try my best to update at least one time in a week. Than I have a question about something in the Throne of Glass series. How is this thing called that happen when Fae stop growing older? Is it settling?
And something about the Percy Jackson series: can somebody sent my the names of all main gods? I just recognised that it could be that they are in English spelled else than in German.

To Whatever End, Seaweed Brain Where stories live. Discover now