Chapter sixteen

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Guess who's back! It too me how long? Twoo weeks? More? To update but hey, I did it and that is all that counts.

Aedion's PoV
Rowan sat back on his chair, Aelin on his lap, still passed out. I sat on the chair next to Aelin, our whole court around us.
"Fireheart" he murrmured "can you here me?"
"Of course I can here you Buzzard" she said. Her voice was rough, dry. When Rowan laughed under his breath and even if I probaboy shouldn't I had a feeling to interrupt something very intimate when I asked: "You right, Aelin?"
"You realy think some little flames could take me down? Over protective fae bastard" she smirked and one moment I thought everything would be fine, but than Aelin started to groaned and shiverd. "Damn!" Rowan sweared.
"Rowan" Lysandra asked curious, "What is happening with her?" but it was Lorcan who answered. "Her magic. It is too much for her. Her body can't wield so much magic. The magic didn't only fill the empty space, it broke threw her old ground. It is more magic than a Fae body can hold. Mala gave her all magic she had. Probably she is mortal now or at least Fae. This damn godess forgot that Aelin isn't a like her." Aelin exhaled trembling "No." She whisper if she was afraid that if she spoke only a bit lowder her magic would free itself, "She only gave me the magic I would have got when I settled of I would have gave it up for the lock. My body only has to get used to so much magic again. But I am still Fae. "
The campers, that meanwhile had gathered around us, looked confused but I didn't care.
The only thing I cared for now was Aelin. How she would be okay again. If she would ever be okay again. No. I had to remind myself. She would be okay. We only had to find out how we could control her magic until she could do it herself.
"Any ideas how we could control the magic?" I asked a few seconds it was silent until Lorcan, that old bastard, said what we probably all though. "Iron" he said, "Iron is the only way to block magic" Fenrys nodded slowly while Rowan's eyes still were focused on Aelin. "But we can't just give her food with Iron. That would block her magic completely and we couldn't control when it was going to come back. If we were in danger Aelin couldn't use her magic. We need something else. " Fenrys replied.
"There would be a way." It was Lorcan again. "A chain." He said
"NO!" Rowan said loudly, nearly screaming. "We will not give Aelin a chain."
"Rowan." Aelin said calm. "It is the only way. Nothing can control magic. Nothing except of iron. "
"But it won't control your magic, it will completely block it. Maby you would never be abel to control it if you block it out now completely."
"I could take the chain off when I train" she replied.
"Please " Rowan begged. "Please don't do it. Not a chain. We can find another way. I will search the whole world to find something that can control you magic. I will spend days and nights until you can control it until you don't have to be afraid to hurt anyone with it. I beg you don't put a chain on. " Aelin smiled sorryly and put her hand out. Lorcan took it and locked a chain atound her left wrist. Rowan closed his eyes as if he couldn't stand seeing Aelin with a chain. When he opened his eyes again they were ful of pain. It seemed to physically hurt him to look at the chain. Maby it really did. Maybe the bond was blocked. Maybe he was afraid to not feel it when anything happend to Aelin. Maybe that was, what triggerd him so hard. Maybe it reminded him of the month mes when Aelin was with Maeve. But maby he just couldn't stand seeing Aelin with a chain. His Fireheart as he used to call her. Now ther was no more fire in her veins. Not a single flame. But when Aelin looked at him. Her eyes met his. Ashryver Eyes. And in these eyes, the fire still burned. Nothing would ever be able to stop these eyes from burning with the brightest flames. She took the gase if him and linked eyes with Rowan. "I will never leave you again" she said. Voice stronger now. "Never." She lead over to her Mate. "To whatever end, Buzzard." Than she kissed him and I looked at Lysandra, don't wanting to take away the intimacy ot their moment.

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