Chapter 1

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(listening to this song whilst writing this was TOO funny!!)

Your POV

Slowly getting out of bed, I picked up my phone, silencing the alarm before grabbing my towel and clothes and heading towards the bathroom, and taking a shower. I brushed my teeth, and hair, putting it up into a messy bun whilst I got dressed.
I put on a pair of light blue dungarees, a white crop top on with a smiley sunshine on it, fish nest, and a pair of white platform healed boots.
  Grabbing both my denim cap and my backpack, I closed my bedroom door, and ran downstairs, catching the apple my dad just threw at me.

" Mornin' Dad! "  I called to him, catching his attention from the paper of lies he was reading through.

" Morning Sweetheart! Have fun at school, yeah!? " he yelled back.

" Okay! Love you! " I responded, walking out the front door after grabbing my car keys off the kitchen counter.
   I ran to the garage, opening my car door, and getting into the light pink Chevrolet Camaro, and backing out of the drive way, only to have to hit the breaks suddenly, due to a blue TransAm speeding past, almost hitting the back of my car.
Once I knew it was safe, I backed out, driving down the many roads of Derry, Maine. I saw the school come into view up ahead, and parked on the opposite side of the building, behind the same car from earlier.
Getting out, I locked the car, after Grabbing my backpack from the back seat. I looked both ways before crossing, and even still, did a little jog across the road, as to not get hit by any cars. Making it to the other side, I scoped out a group of four boys, all staring back at me. Walking over to them, I waved my hand I front of one of the boys' faces, catching his attention. A boy with square glasses came forward, asking my name.

" (Y/N) Gunner, uhhh...what's yours? " I questioned the curly haired boy.

" Trashmouth Tozier " A voice from behind us called out, a few snickers following the comment. Turning around, stood four more boys, all looking around my age.

" Oh? And who might you be, smart ass? " I asked, my British accent shining through. Staring doen the blonde haired boy, I eventually gave up, and pushed him to the side, walking through the group, before being pulled back, and shoved onto the ground.

" These are new! " I whined, causing him to look confused. He gave a look toward the three boys stood behind him, and, as though on instinct, all three surrounded me, blocking off any routes of escape.
Frantically looking around, I stood up, brushing the dirt and grass off my butt, and staring the peroxide blonde square in the eyes.

" C'mon man! I'm new here! At least get to know me before you try trapping me, wow. " I said nonchalantly, trying to keep on a brave face. I've always dealt with bullies due to being a little on the chubbier side. Not fat, I'm healthy, I just have some chub, I'm also only 4'11, and have Dyslexia, so they also contributed to the harsh bullying.

" Aww, and what are you gonna do about it, Dwarf?" a very tall boy butt in.

" Dwarf's a new one, and I Could run?" I answered, with a questioning tone.

" Good luck with that new kid, we were glad to meet you before you died!" the boy with glasses shouted, before both him and his friends ran off. I looked at all four of the boys, taking in each of their features, before turning back to the bleach blonde again, and pointing behind him.

" Duck " was all I said, before watching him turn and hit the ground, giving me an escape. I ran past him, and made it into the school, getting lost in the swarm of children.

*Time Skip(❍ᴥ❍ʋ)*

The lunch bell rang, and everyone began to flood the hallways. Standing up, I began to pack my things away, and said goodbye to the teacher. However, as it was just my luck, as I turned the corner to the hallway with my locker in, my feet stood frozen. The four boys from earlier surrounded my locker.
Realizing I was going to regret this decesion later, I began to make my way towards them, pushing the boys to the side and opening my locker, placing my math textbook in, and Grabbing a lollipop, but before I could close it, a hand  shoved it's way in, Grabbing my last box of uhhh...femenine.....products, and examined them. Jumping up to grab them, he just kept holding them out of reach, the more I jumped, the higher he heald the box.

" The fuck do you use these for? " the tall raven haired boy questioned.

" Uh.....womanly......problems? " I answered, a small blush spreading across my face.

" Oh~" I sighed, thinking the conversation was over, " sooo, do you shove them up your ass? " he asked. I deadpanned, Grabbing the box from his hands, shoving it in the locker and closing it, walking away.
I got outside, and pulled my keys out of my overall's pocket, opening the pink car and getting in, tilting the mirror towards my face and began examining it, pulling out my maskara and applying a layer, before putting it back, and starting the car.
Dad wouldn't be home until 10:00 tonight, so I had to make food. I pulled into the driveway and pulled my purse out of the glove compartment, to check how much money I had.

"I'll just get take out..." I sighed.

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