Chapter 3

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The boy with square glasses, and brown hair stared down at me.

"Hi again!" I said nervously.

He smiled softly, letting me go. I stood up straight, and brushed myself off, straitening out my clothes.

"What was their problem?" the curly blonde asked, looking at both me and the smaller boy.

"I don't even know who they are, being new n all, but I just came out for a walk, and bumped into him hiding, then we were both being chased. So, thanks for saving our asses"

"Wow, no problem, I guess" the boy with glasses said, stunned.

"Anyway, what's your names, y'all know mine" I asked them, rubbing my hands together to try and get rid of any gravel still  stuck on them.

"I'm Richie but you can call me later senorita" He winked, adding a little more flirting to the already flirtatious sentence.

"Shut up douchebag. Sorry about him, I'm Eddie, but everyone just calls me Eds. It's been nice to meet you (Y/N), but we've gotta get going. My mom's gonna be pissed when she sees the scuff marks on me" He waves as he begins to walk away, his walk turning into a run once he gets to the end of the road.

"Yeah, see you later sweetheart" Richie said as he began to walk away as well, eventually just leaving me on my own. 

I walked to the end of the street and took a left, since taking a right would end up taking me to the town hall. A lonesome bridge stood on it's own. The closer I got, the more I could make out what the carvings said on the sides of the small structure. Initials stuck together and surrounded by a heart.

"Why don't people do this shit on trees anymore?" I asked myself, wondering why the tradition has been carried on in a strange way.

"Because princess, once people are done making out and are ready to take their shit to the bedroom, they carve their initials here to let every other fucker in town know what's going on between them, unless you've already caught them shoving their tongues down each other's throats"

I span around, holding onto the railing of the bridge only for my eyes to lock with his.

"The fuck do you want Bowers?" I spat, not wanting to deal with his shit after the previous incident.

"I saw you wondering and thought I should come over and talk, since, you know, the nerds aren't here anymore" He said, looking my figure up and down before slightly biting his bottom lip and smirking.

"Nothing is going to happen, okay? I'm not sure if I even like you. That shit you pulled earlier. I could've beaten your ass to a pulp if I wanted to. You're lucky I was tired. And not thinking straight either"

"yEAAh iM SoooOOo LuCKyy" he mocked, waving his hands in front of his face and dancing about in a circle.

"I am 30 second away from jumping on top of you and strangling you 'till the only people convincing me to get off of you are the police. Dragging me away from you oxygen deprived body. Mkay?"

"Uhhh, Mkay" He answered, quirking a brow and staring at me.

The staring carried on until I  looked down and spun back around only to look off into the patch of forest that surrounded the small town of Derry. A pair of arms trapped me where I stood, encasing me in an unwanted embrace.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought you were this big bad bully who fucking killed people if they looked at you the wrong way! You can't just come up to me and start hugging me!" I began to shout, turning around to face him yet again.

However, I stopped my little rant once I saw the purple lump forming on the side of the boy's jaw. I didn't say anything about it. I just placed my hand on the forming bruise and began to softly stroke my thumb over it.

"Who did this?"

He didn't answer. This bitch.

"I'm speaking to you"

"I know, I just. Ugh. Fuck off. Nobody wants you here anyway you pretentious bitch!" He yelled.

"I'm trying to help you. I'm not trying to hurt you. Now. Tell me who the fuck hurt you! Did you get in a fight? Did you bet one of those poor boys up? Did someone finally give you a taste of your own medicine? Huh?!" I yelled, getting closer and closer to his face after each question.

He gripped a hold of my wrists and pinned them to the railing, before leaning down towards my ear.

"You're gonna get real hurt if you carry on asking me shit princess"

"Bite me"

"If you insist"

And with that, he threw me to the ground, sitting on my stomach and pinned my wrists above my head.

"Gonna say sorry?"

"Bite. Me. Bitch"


And with a shrug he bites me. Literally. He just bit my arm. And he began to bite lower down my arm. Until he was leaving small bites on my shoulder. Then my neck. And then the top of my chest.


"You asked me to bite you princess" He said with a shrug before letting go of my arms and sitting on my stomach. 

I could tell he wasn't putting all of his weight on me, because I probably wouldn't be able to breath. He was skinny, yes, but he was built. This kid was strong and I didn't wanna fuck with that. 

I began to push on his chest, attempting to get him off of me so I could go home. However, Henry had other ideas. He stood up and stretched his arms backwards before cracking his neck and knuckles. While I had the chance, I got up and began to run in the opposite direction as fast as I could turning round corners at random to try and lose the maniac following you.

I ran across the street, cars honking as I merely dodged them. I reached the other side of the street and turned to see if he was still following me.

He stood on the other side of the street, staring. He didn't take is eyes off of me. He was looking straight into my soul. I shivered, feeling his stare burn right through me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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