Chapter 2

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I sat on the couch, browsing through the different channels, before eventually becoming bored, and decided to have some fun, since I'm new and all.

I grabbed my keys, purse and did one last check in the mirror to check I was okay, before grabbing my glasses, putting them on and running out the door. I decided to walk this time, not wanting to run out of gas.

I came across a pharmacy, and decided to let curiosity take over, and wandered in. In the middle isle stood a short boy, just slightly taller than me, with two fanny packs situated around his waist. As soon as he saw me, he put his finger to his lips to motion for me to stay quiet.

I walked over, confused, but still stayed quiet.

"Bowers and his Gang are in the other islle, just follow me and stay quiet, and we might make it out alive"
He whispered to me. My eyes widened slightly at the last part, but I decided to stay calm.

The small boy began to move to the next Isle, slowly, with me following in suit. Unlucky for us though, the brown haired boy had managed to knock over a box. His eyes widened, as though he was a deer in headlights, and froze.

We both heard footsteps, and decided that running was better than staying here to face them. So, we ran. And ran. And ran. Yet they were still on our tail, and wouldn't give up. After about 20 minutes of running, we had cornered ourselves somehow, by making our way to the bridge out of Derry and into the next town.

I backed myself up against the fence of the bridge, realising there was carvings of initials on the fence.

' huh. Cute, I guess. Not the time Y/N! '

Without thinking straight, I grabbed a hold of the small boy's hand, squeezing tight, as though it was going to save me from the wrath of the four beasts about to rip me apart.

" So, you decided to run from us, and then take our new prey with you? That's not very nice, is it freak? " A boy with a mullet started talking just after I had spaced out. After a few minutes, I was ripped away from staring into space with a slap across my right cheek.

" OW! " I whined, holding my cheek, the stinging sensation lingering. The peroxide blonde smirked down at me, prideful. I snarled at him, and pulled my right hand up, reasy to slap him back, before a firm grib made its way to my wrist, causing me to wince slightly.

A boy with jet black hair pulled me towards him by my wrist, holding me into his chest and wrapping his arms around me, forcing me to watch what was about to become a horrific scene, with the timid boy becoming their next victim of the evening.

Wriggling around, I began to panic, seeing both the boy with the mullet, and the platinum blonde boy crack their knuckles. The small boy began to back away, but sadly backing into the bigger boy of the group, who then proceeded to gab both the boy's arms and pin him in place.


Everyone's heads turned to the left, seeing three bikes all clumped together in the middle of the road. A boy will glasses stood in the middle of the curly blonde, and dark brown haired boys, with his middle fingers both pointing towards the group of older boys.

The boy holding onto me used one hand to get something out of his back pocket, giving me the chance to try and wriggle out, which is what I did. I got out, and kneed the tall boy in the balls, causing him to double over and hold onto the fence for support.

The platinum blonde began making his way over to me. I stood my ground, as did he, a few feet apart from each other.

" C'mon Draco, let's get this over with" I said teasingly.

He obviously didn't like the new nickname, causing him to lunge towards me. I gripped his fist, and pulled his arm behind him, kicked him in the back and then straddled his back, still holding his arm behind him.

The boy with the mullet looked at me with wide eyes, which eventually turned normal again, with a mischievous smirk planted on his face.

" Vic, get up. Pat, get in the car, you too Belch "  the boy said.

I was thrown off the skinny boy and landed on my back, letting out a small whimper due to the force. I stood up, only to be met face to face with ocean blue eyes. I began to stare, falling into a space of my own, until I was pulled out. Literally. I was pulled backwards aand landed with a thud into someone, who wrapped their arms around me protectively.


I looked up and saw...

Word count: 830

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