Cold, but soft (Satzu)

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Tzuyu stared at Sana from the kitchen island as Sana was walking up to the fridge looking for something for her to eat.

"You're amazing." Tzuyu accidentally whispered under her breath.

Sana turned to look at Tzuyu with a questioning look. "Hmm? What was that?"

Tzuyu coldly glared at Sana and said, "I said, you're annoying."

Sana was hurt. She placed her hand on top of her chest. "Ouch... Okay, dark side Yoda." She said and left the kitchen.

Tzuyu of course felt bad for not only hurting Sana, but also lying to Sana. She just couldn't afford for Sana to know about her feelings for her.

Yep, Chou Tzuyu likes someone. Not even Tzuyu herself would've guessed that. Especially not someone from the group.

Tzuyu knew Sana most likely doesn't like her. She seems to be the least affectionate with Tzuyu and more with maybe Dahyun or Jihyo. But not Tzuyu. She won't lie and say she doesn't get jealous, but she would never admit it out loud. She wanted to keep her "Cold, dark, and mysterious" demeanor to be up.

Sana always seems to be choosing everyone else before Tzuyu. Maybe she was being too cold with Sana? She knows that's the most likely answer to her question but she doesn't want anyone, especially Sana, to find out about her little crush.

Tzuyu sighed as she planted her face on the countertop.


Tzuyu was currently sitting next to Sana who was wearing headphones and playing on her phone. Everyone else seems to be nowhere to be seen, so Tzuyu took this opportunity to admire Sana from up close.

"God, why are you so gorgeous?" Tzuyu whispered.

Sana of course didn't hear that, but she caught a glimpse of Tzuyu moving her mouth indicating that she said something. So Sana took her headphones off.

"You better not be trash talking me again." Sana warned.

Tzuyu scoffed. "Well, I did say, ‘God, why are you so ugly?’ So..." Tzuyu shrugged then quickly got up and walked away.

Sana sighed. She wished she could somehow get to the younger's heart. Instead she has always been given the cold shoulder by Tzuyu.

Sana wanted Tzuyu to like her back. But it seems that Tzuyu just hates her more than anything.

Yep, Sana likes Tzuyu. She could've not fallen for the coldest member of Twice, but she did. She fell for her hard. Of all the people, Tzuyu just had to be it. She really doesn't know how she's supposed to get Tzuyu to ever like her, even in just a friendly way.

Sana believes that it's practically impossible to get Tzuyu to even compliment her a little. Sana wished Tzuyu had been at least softer. Maybe if Sana turned into a dog, then Tzuyu might like her?

"I wish I was a dog..." She groaned and covered her face.

"You're a snake enough, we don't need a little bitch." Jeongyeon said as she passed by.

"Oh come on, Tzuyu already insulted me twice today!" Sana pouted.


Sana stormed up to Tzuyu. Tzuyu looked at Sana weirdly and continues to use her phone. Sana huffed and put her hands on her waist trying to get Tzuyu's attention.

But she already got Tzuyu's attention Tzuyu can't help but realize how adorable Sana is currently looking. But she also still didn't want Sana to know she's softening up for her. So she chooses to ignore her as much as she can.

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