Chapter VIII -Truth or Dare-

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I tied my shoelaces and looked at my reflection in the mirror. It's just movie right? So I went with a casual look, sleeveless black top matched with a denim coat, ripped jeans and sneakers. I let my hair the way it is and applied a bit of mascara and a touch of lipstick I was good to go. I grabbed my jacket, phone and wallet patted Atlas' head and went out front. To be honest I may seem calm but I am so nervous. Very nervous to be exact I mean, it's just us not like when we're in the shop but us alone watching a movie. What's the big deal? Get your shit together Art just make the most of it. I hailed a taxi and climbed in heading towards the mall where we agreed we would meet.

Twenty minutes later I was at the cinema hall looking for Joville, if she plan to bail out I would find it hurtful but at the same time confusing I mean, why invite someone to come with you when you're just gonna bail out? For the fun? That's low. A girl walked by the side but her back to me , she was wearing a sleeveless top with a collar and a floral skirt just above her knees, white sandals and a matching white bracelet. When she spun around she almost took my breath away. It was Joville, let me take a moment to admire her beauty, it's something new to see cause when were at work we have a uniform and we all look the way we are. Don't get me wrong she looks pretty but this, it's like looking at her differently, a whole new level. A very high level, one's with the gods and godesses damn.

"I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together" Joville winked flirtatiously

"Whaaa??" I was so caught up with how beautiful she looked I didn't realize I was in my own reverie

"I said let's go the popcorn's calling me" Joville rolled her eyes but she knew she had a score. She grabbed my arm and headed towards the counter buying two tickets and bought us snacks and whatever else she wanted. Inside we went to our assigned seats and settled down.

"Hmm.. Truth or Dare, that's a pretty cliché title for a movie. Is this a love story? I'm warning you if it is I might be able to fall asleep" I took a sip of my lemonade

"No, this is not a love story... Well okay it has a love story but that's not the focus of the movie soooo" Joville smiled sheepishly grabbing her phone she punched a button motioned for me to come closer "Say cheeeth"

"Cheeeetthhh" we both said in unison and laughed at our silliness. She reviewed the picture and held it up in my face. "See that? We look good together don't we?" Joville was smirking

I smiled shyly and looked at her phone our faces close to each other with wide smiles, the soft light of the cinema giving our faces a bit of a dark look. "Can you give me a copy of that?" I asked but didn't look her in the eye, I am not used to this kind of flirting but it felt nice. Joville gently grabbed my chin to face her. In that moment, my heartstrings were definitely creating knots sending me signals that it's too early.

I smiled as casually as I could but my hands were shaking; looking into her eyes I saw an emotion but I can't quite know what it is. It has a warm glow and her pupils are dilated, I've read in some psychology tips and tricks that when someone's pupils are dilated when looking at you then it means they like you and I find that hard to believe. Joville's just flirting, harmless, just for fun. But deep down in my gut something tells me it's not true. Thankfully the lights went out and the movie began, I gently lifted my head and pointed at the screen.


"That was a cool movie, very modern and it could happen in real life you know if someone was that hell of a genius to create the game" I grabbed our trash and headed towards the exit

"I told you it would be fun and yeah, that would be cool unless we would end up killing each other then it's ugly" Joville walked alongside me

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