Chapter 7 - EPILOGUE

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Mr & Ms Malfoy of Number 7, Blossom Lane, London, we're proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. Well, as normal as a Wizarding family could get. Hermione and Draco had 2 twins. A boy, Alexander, and a girl, Ruby. Alexander, full name, Alexandrite Scorpius Malfoy, was a boy with smooth brown hair with streaks of platinum blonde. He took a liking to beef. Especially with lots of fat on it. He begun watching the Star Wars franchise when he was about seven years of age. He always wanted to use the force, so he practiced it on a spider. Imagine the shock when he crushed it from five feet away! Ruby, Full name, Ruby Lilac Malfoy, was rather short, and had bushy blonde hair. She took a liking to cheese. Lots of cheese. She began reading Matilda since she was four. She wanted to move things with her mind, just like Matilda! Imagine the shock when it floated right into her hands!

Draco: Hermione, your last name is beautiful. But I can think of a better one. Malfoy. So will you make me the happiest man in the world, and be my wife?"

PRIEST: Do you take Draco to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Hermione: I do.

Hermione holds a pregnancy test in her hands. Positive.

2006 (9 months later)
DOCTOR: They're twins. One girl and one boy.

Ruby: I was serious! I sow the book move into my hands!

Alexander: I crushed the spider! Mum, Dad, I did it!

Draco: Alexandrite, Ruby, You're wizards.

The couple was at King's Cross station. They let their twins go off to their first year at Hogwarts.
Hermione: This entire thing is perfect.
Draco: No, it's not.
Hermione: Why is that?
Draco: Because you will always be my synonym for perfect.
Hermione laughed at the joke.
Draco: Also because we forgot to get bagels.
Hermione: What is with you and bagels nowadays?
Draco: Muggles are geniuses. Bagels are amazing. What are you talking about?
The couple went to get bagels with Harry.


Bonus part!
The restaurant was called "Chef Jeff - Bagels and Sandwiches." Hermione picked the cheese and ham bagel, Harry chose the bacon and cheese one, and Draco was staring at the macaroni and cheese one.
Harry: Oh, don't try that one. I've tried it before.
Draco:I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks.
Silence for 6 seconds.
Harry: Come on, that was...what? 26 years ago!
Draco: No, no, no, no, no. I don't care. You thought I was gonna let it go, huh? You will be hearing about this to the day you meet your demise.
Harry: Oh, then shall I tell Hermione that you were cheating on her with an apple?
Hermione: An apple?
Draco: I just like eating green apples.
Draco hugged Hermione.

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