| Yeol Daseos|

139 4 1

|🌹 I'm so sorry guys, Authors block is kicking me in the rear, so it's difficult for me to write the story ATM. Please endure this time with me!! •bows• 🌹|


"You... seem happy" He commented, his voice dry and in pain.

"Yup!!" She cooed, twirling into a seat beside the bed, "I had a great time with my Izuku-kun~"

Twice rose a brow but never asked. Toga was always weird with the word 'fun'. He never knew what to expect from it. She was an oddball...

Even though Twice never asked what she did, Toga explained it all. She could care less about his disturbed expression. Like hell he wanted that information!!!


She was happy, and everyone knew it. Even though the girl was always smiling, her energy was different. It was less demonic, more joyful... like a woman with love succession. Of course, this didn't surprise Twice since he learned everything the day Toga came back from her little "adventure".

Down the hall, the blonde girl sat on the white couch, her feet swaying beneath her. She has a grin on her face as she hummed a familiar melody to herself, staring at the tall male before her.

Kai waited for his answer.

She didn't respond.

Mimic sighed beside Kai, crossing his arms over his chest in irritation. He didn't like how Toga was treating Kai one bit. Like a disrespectful child. He was about to speak when his boss laced his hands together.

"You didn't kill him" Kai mumbled, his eyes boring into hers.

Toga simply let a giggle escape her lips as she shrugged. She eyed his hands, noticing how his fingers slipped underneath one of the gloves. Before he could even dare to take it off, Toga laughed and disappeared.

"You-!" Mimic growled, about to chase when Kai gestured him to stay.

"Leave her be... She's only digging her own grave"

('❛-❛') (⁎˃ᆺ˂) (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*~☆+◌


The first snow fall. Through my bedroom window, I could see snow drifting down from the white sky. Couples wandered the streets with their hands locked together. Their warm breaths against the cold air causing the usual foggy air to appear before them.

Putting my breath against the glass, I drew a small Christ's tree on the window, smiling to myself. Ever since I left to the USA, I spent holidays alone. Now, I could spend it again with my mother... and maybe... maybe Eri.

"FUCKING HELL!!!! I KNOW IT WAS THAT DAMN NERD!!!" a loud voice came from the street.

I knew exactly who it was. Glancing out, I spotted Kacchan storming off with Mina and Kirishima by his side. They finally discovered It a Rama's death... how amusing. Snickering, I bit down on my soft thumb, nibbling on the skin before leaving my room.

Eri sat at the table, quietly eating away at her meal. She finally came out of her room, but never bothered to talk to me. It was nice at least... to know that she was getting comfortable again. Even though I doubted she would reply, I sat down before her and started to talk.

"Have you ever celebrated Christmas before? I was thinking, maybe we could spend it with my mom. She'll be happy to see you " I chirped, eyeing Eri.

Her eyes glistened, and I grinned, knowing that she wanted to do so. Yet, determined to ignore me still. A small smirk crossed my face as I stood up, ready to leave.

I slipped on a jacket and left with my wallet, leaving Eri alone. Tugging my hoody over my face, I strut down the street, avoiding the path Kacchan was on. A small smirk tinted my mouth, but at the same time, regret. As I walked, my thoughts trailed back to what had happened throughout my time back in Japan.

Near by, there was a bunch of chatter. I glanced over to see what was going on. On the bored ontop, there was a video of some guy calling himself a villain, and his camera man. They were doing something small, like breaking into a store and stealing jewlery.

"Next up, I will sneak into the top academy!"

I hummed, watching the screen, "curious"


| 🌹 I know, I know. Its so shortttt. But I'm struggling to think!! ;;-;; I'm so sorry!!! I promise, once this brain of mine gets some real juice, these chapters will be longer and better! 🌹|

|¤ keep an eye out c: ¤|

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