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I am so sorry but my laptop got broken so I'll try and update 3 chapters at once before July 29th. Ily


"Rihanna, I have to tell you this" my dad, Marcus said, I was curious with the way he sounded.

"I failed the bet" he said again.

"Oh my God dad, what's he gonna do now?" I asked him.

"He want you as his wife, and we got nothing to do about it"

My dad just arrived from the casino, he told me about the game he was going to play with the lord of the great Roderigo's mansion before leaving home. All I knew about it was he had a deal to do something for him and he was payed hugely but couldn't fulfil the deal and for two years he has been finding it difficult to pay back. This game was the only luck he could have to get out of this and I knew my father was a good chess player and he was going to win.

After finding out about how he went I felt so sad but I went mad when he told me what was going to happen next I wasn't a toy they could use as exchange.

"What? I don't understand" I said, trying so hard to be confused and not believing anything he just said to me.

"I'm sorry Anna, but its's gonna happen, you have to be ready in two days' time "he said to me.

"What do you think of me a toy, you have always treated me as one. Always! Using me for your ghetto businesses. I will never marry that man, I will never. Did you ever listen to me? You never listened to my life. You never wanted to know what was going on with me, always thing of the hood and intervening in other people life as a source of what you call business, why Marcus!" I shouted I've always wanted to shout this out and relieve how I felt about the way he treated me. Just like a slave.

"Do you think we have a place in the world? We are blacks no one cares about us, the Roderigo guard can come here and kill all of us here and nothing will happen because we are blacks. We have to suffer to eat, suffer to live, and suffer to survive"

"I'm not gonna marry any man from the Roderigos NEVER. You crushed my dreams"

"I didn't crush your dreams anna, that's how life is for us don't you understand"

I wanted to say but my mum came in.

"Stop it marcus it's enough" my mum, Alima yelled.

"This is our personal matter Lima and I don't want you involved"

"She's our daughter and she's still my responsibilities. When I thought I could have the time back you stole from us, you still went ahead to use our daughter for your stinky deal. You took her away from me when she was two because your family had a problem with my religion. And now I'm back with her you want to take her away from me"

"alima do you want us dead? this is better than our lives being taken away from us"

"You used our daughter a lot of time Marcus, you turned her into a bar stripper. You used her for your dirty games, so how dare you try to defend yourself. Yes I know our live don't matter because of the color of her skin but we shouldn't accept that fact marcus. You are the cause and nothing else"

"Get her ready she's leaving in 2days time"

"This makes me hate you more Marcus, when I fell for you, you weren't this self-centered. You know our daughter never like men, you know she's more interested in women, but what did you do? you shut her up because of people opinion, I'm so ashamed of you"

"I am doing this not for myself. I'm trying to protect both of you. I'm trying to save us from hardship"

"No marcus you just caused more pain for us, it better we were dead. Come with me anna" my mum concluded as she took me upstairs.

I was so frustrated and in pain. Knowing I couldn't do anything about it was the worst of it all. My life will be changed after this, I will stay in the dangerous mansion, far from the people I know. I'll be leaving Atlanta, I'll be leaving America to England.

"Mum what do I do" I asked.

"Get ready for the marriage anna"

What, the only person that could stand up for me has agreed to everything in seconds.

My mum left the door, looking the door behind me, as I fell on the bed, stressing my brain with thoughts.

End of intro.

Hey beautiful person reading this book, If you got to the end of this book ill appreciate if you vote and also your comment [opinion] are strictly appreciated.

Disclaimer: I'm not a racist, thou this book may have some racist scenes in it but all the same it's connected to black matters. #blacklivesmatters.

Chapters will get better with time.
Chapters will get better with time.

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