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 TW for self harm, suicide mention, abuse, drug mention, eating disorders and trauma. 

The 15 year old boy sat on the wall outside of his best friends house, a bottle of some alcohol in his hand and a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He had messy hair that was dark brown and ocean blue eyes, that he covered with black contacts. People around his school found him intimidating, and somehow, the eye colour added to that. He wore a black button up shirt, with a red leather jacket on his shoulders. He wore vans on his feet, and skinny black jeans, that were cuffed. His name was Ares. He started to zone out and have a memory from years ago, of 11 year old him sat on the floor of his bedroom, with a blade from a sharpener, and the rest of the sharpner next to him. His parents were yelling at him, whilst his arms were dripping with blood, he was nearly at the part where he passed out, then his friend opened the front door, and he heard the dogs bark, causing him to zone back into reality. 

"Sup dude" his friend, Ryan cheered. 
"not much" Ares sighed, fidgeting a bit, and looking a bit pale. Ryan looked him dead in the eye and mouthed 'flashback' and Ares nodded. "Lets go," he said, getting off of the wall and putting out his cigarette. Ryan grabbed him by the shoulder and hugged him. "It'll be okay" he whispered, a crack in his voice halfway through. Ares was stiff and tense at the start of the hug, but loosened his body, Ryan held him tight. Ares wasn't the type to open up. They had 5 people in their friendship group, and Ryan and Ares were by far the closest. Ryan knew everything, everything that has happened to him, everything that he had went through, all of it. Nobody knew him like that. Anyone who wasn't in their group, Ares didn't care about. He'd be the type to push you into a locker for simply breathing, and he was very aggressive. His friends weren't nearly as aggressive as him, but they still managed to scare people if they gave them a side eye. Ares was so kind around his friends, maybe because he knew them for years, after everything he went through in life, it's not surprising he had trust issues, and put up a tough exterior. 

Ares slowly pushed away from the hug, knowing it was unlike him, and scared someone would see him, and make up rumours him a Ryan were a couple, or he had a soft side, which, he did, but only his friends could see it. The boys took a sip of alcohol each, and hopped on their skateboards. They skated around the city for a few hours, often in silence with their own thoughts. They stopped near a public bathroom and Ares popped in there. He walked into a stall, locked the door and slid down and sat on the floor. "What is wrong with me?" he muttered. He hadn't been happy in a while, yet he wasnt the saddest either? He was just.. there? He would keep having flashbacks of his past, which was terrible. He sat there for a bit, staring at the wall, with no thoughts in his mind, and every now and again, a tear would drop. "ARES??" Ryan bust into the area. "Ares??" He started to open the other doors that werent locked, and after only hearing breathes, went into a stall next to Ares. He slumped down by the door, and reached for his hand. "I'm here, dude, dont bottle stuff up, you know that fucks with you. I don't know whats been going on latel-" They heard the main door open, and a deep cough. They both opened up their stall doors and ran out back onto their skateboards. They looked at eachother for a bit and started to laugh. Ryan started to carry on with what he was saying, but Ares instantly cut him off "Its getting late dude, shit. I'm grounded and my parents are gonna be pissed that i left." Ryan gave him a look and mouthed 'sleepover' they both nodded, smiled and started to head back into the city. Negative thoughts often came into Ares' mind, but he had heard things from his parents so often, nothing effected him, well nothing much. They had a joyful ride back to Ryans, well, maybe not. Halfway home, Ares twisted his ankle, causing him to fall into a bush of nettles. His shirt and jeans ripped a bit, and the fall scuffed his shoes more than they already were. It was a bit windy for him, but him and Ryan laughed about it, he had laughed a lot today, as well as cried, this was new to him. What if he was finally finding happiness? Nah, he had it rock bottom and brought the pickaxe to carry on digging.

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