Starting Off - Lana POV

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ok sooooo.... i started utub..

'hi guys, whats up? im gonna start off here and im gonna see if i can get to the top. wish me luck byeee'

 wish me luck byeee'

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the next day

i went to school like any other regular person. but wasn't really noticed. no friends, nobody, not even teachers, not even my parents, which were in jail for drug and assault charges..

'hi everybody.. today is a mukbang i guess.. so things aren't going too well..' *crunch* 'i mean.. im basically invisible.. i look up to shaun, the utuber.. he gives me inspiration you know?' *crunch* 'as i got to school one day, a boy noticed me. we started to talk and get to know each other better and get closer. he seemed like the love of my life.. but it will probably never happen haha.. his name is tristan and idk but i may be falling for him but idk...' *crunch* 'we've been best friends for a while. hes stood up for me when i needed him and i really...' *crunch* 'appreciate that... well i guess thats all i really have to say for now haha. thanks for watching, if you did, and have a great day☺️'

over the next few days when i went to school, i noticed tristan was acting a bit strange, like screenshoting my unstagram posts.. he also has me as his home screen but i mean idk we're best friends so it makes sense right?

'hey guys! so im gonna be going to hawaii for a vacation and my dear viewers are coming with me!☺️ well.. i'll update you guys on the plane bye guys!' i get on the plane and fall asleep. the flight attendant wakes me up several hours later and tells me that we've arrived. 'hey guys i just got to hawaii. its 5 am but still really pretty out, i mean just look!' i spin around slowly with my camera, showing the view. 'alright guys im gonna go get settled in my hotel room. byee!' i stop recording and i get a call from an unknown number..


'i know where you are lana' the person on the other line spoke lowly, almost like a whisper..

'who are you?'

'youre in a red dress.. a very pretty one'

'wha- how do you know what im wearing? can you see me?' i start to get scared and walk towards my hotel.

'yes i can see you. im glad i can.. you look so good'

'tristan is that you? ugh stop playing games.'

' not tristan..'

'...' i stayed silent. who the hell could this be? how do they know me? do i have a stalker??

'come on baby, let me see you' i start debating on whether to hang up or not.

'im sorry.. i have to go...' i tell him and hang up the phone. creepy i thought.

i get to my hotel and start unpacking my things. i get a text from that unknown number again..

unknown: you know you cant run forever baby

me: please leave me alone..

unknown: am i bothering you?

me: im sorry.. idk who you are or what you want...

unknown is typing...

i ignored the texts and try to go to sleep.

the next morning..

i wake and get my camera. i stop before pressing record.. 'i should probably get ready first. dont wanna look like a grizzly bear haha'

i go to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. as i get in the shower, i thought i heard the door open.. i just pushed the thought back and enjoy the rest of my shower.

i finish getting ready and grab my camera to start recording. 'good morning everyone! lets go get some breakfast' i set my camera on the counter and make a time lapse of me making pancakes. 'alright, breakfast is served' i turn the camera off to eat.

i put my swimsuit and shorts and start heading to the beach. as im walking i noticed my phone ringing..



'what do you want from me?'

'i dont want anything FROM you. i just want you'

i hung up the phone and stated walking faster. i debate on whether i want to say anything about the creepy events in my video, but decide not to until everything is over.

a few hours later i arrive at my hotel. i put everything away and turn on some warm water to take a shower. my phone started ringing again and i was scared to answer but did so anyway

'hel-' i was cut off by the unknown mans voice

'you look so good' i covered my bare body up, knowing he could probably see me.

'...' i hear the man laughing a little. all of the possible things that could happen to me are running through my head.. i could get raped, kidnapped, murdered, anything. i cut the line and decide to relax in a bath instead. i fill the water up with bubbles in hopes that would help keep me covered up.. about an hour or so later i get out and put my pajamas on. i lay down on the big bed at the center of the far wall and try to go to sleep..

little did i know someone was there with me....


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