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the actual.





i know this wont make sense to a lot of you but i just-

thank you. for everyone whos been supporting me. mary. cecile. pat. trinity. alexis. alyssa. hannah. will. micah. you dont know how helpful you all are. life is crappy. and there is so much going on right now its hard to pick out what they are trying to brainwash you and what is the truth. but thank you. because although i might be a selfish little peice of shit you guys have always been supportive, and that comfort is more than i could have ever asked for. 

and for everyone i talk to through the internet, thank you guys. you all are so sweet and its nice to know that there is still kindess in the world. becuase although you may think you are a terrible person, you choose to say the things you did and to be respectful to others. so thank you, to you as well.

now to those who are just reading this for fun or because you are bored:

hi. im a mess. i would say my name but im scared someone is watching me while i sleep.

for the past two (maybe three) years i was posting in a book about my "pre-teen life". i guess like a "diary" or outlit, or just some random thing where i could write what i want.

i am willing to talk if ever needed and i accept you for who you are. i may be confused on what is going on in this world right now, but i accept you anyways. this includes sexuality, gender, race, religion, disorders, and even opinions. we may disagree but we can agree to disagree. 

now im going to stop here because i am at my grandmas house typing on her computer and she doesnt know. 

so i hope you all have a good day and stay your wonderful fabeulous selves and ignore my rushed spelling.


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