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This is probably going to be a rant of things only I will find exciting most likely XD

So I just got back from my GranD's house after being there since Wednesday (I think. It might have been Thursday) with my sister. I got bored a few times but my little cousin Elizabeth and her baby brother Kyle (and I love him oh so dearly) came over and we got to watch them and play with them and all of that jazz. 

Okay change of plans. I remember when I was writing this but I got distracted and never finished. 

It is currently11:33 pm and I decided I want to write something. 

SO i guess random topics. 

Sense i wrote that paragraph i felt a constant on and off wave of deprression. so bad that my parents have finally noticed and this means therapy. I've never had a therapist so I talked to my friend Pat who does have one... and I have never wanted one more. But i cant help but feel bad. putting all of my problems on someone who isnt even a part of the situation. or just putting my problems on someone else shoulders. it just doesnt feel right. but i know i need it.

okay now to stop being depressing here is a good note: I GOT TO WATCH HAMILTON! ThE ORIGINAL HAMILTON ON DISNEY+ JUST AGHHHHHH i love john laurens and angelica just. just mwah. 

also i am a caregiver (new one, but that doesnt matter) and ive been talking to baby and princess a lot recently and that makes me so happy. im going to give them a carepackage when school starts again so i got to draw out designs for stuff adn get all of the materials. eeee im excited

also me and baby have been doing research to get a cottage. like. intense research. like i know how to clear a proerty and build the second story of a house already.... intense research. we want a little farm and flowers and eeee okay. hehehe. just. heeh. okay.calm down. 
its just. a lot.

also ive had the urge to write latley so tomorrow im going to do some planning for Baby and Princess and then im going to stay on track and write a chapter or two for the.. story. that one. teh one that im nervous to type the name of for some reason. the one i said i would post a chapter of yesterady and never did. heheh. sorry.

okay i want to read harry potter so night!


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