Dawn of Mankind(Ochako) pt 1

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197,980 BCE. 200,000 years before the present day

"Gah!" Izuku screams as he wakes up in fright. Getting up, he awakes in a forest.

"Where...am I?" His eyes darted around the trees that towered above. He hesitantly got up, body somewhat sweaty. Looking down he was nude, vulnerable, and scared.

"No...this isn't right..." How could it be? The last thing he remembered was him running through U.A.'s testing grounds trying to destroy robots then everything went black...

Standing up, his legs wobbly. Izuku looks at his body, still in fit condition. Walking forward, his face contorted into cringes as his feet stepped on hard rocks and branches, which didn't bother him all that much. He used to run on the beach back when training with All Might.

Nothing made sense... this couldn't make sense. Walking around, he went to see if there were any towns or cities nearby. Taking a more of a run, he left that forest and found himself staring off in a land without nothing but vegetation. The structure of society was long gone...

Nothing but the vast land spread before him with birds flying up in the sky... Tears leaked his face.

"No no no no!" Izuku screams as his mind speeds hundreds of miles a second. Where was he?! How did he get here?! His mother! His teacher/hero All Might! What happened to them?!

Izuku cried and screamed at the world. He felt alone, scared, and in a way...free.

That terrified him the most...

For awhile, Izuku didn't move, he felt on his backside and let the reality settle in. This was not his home. Yet at the same time, he felt as though he could recognize the feeling of nostalgia.

It was presumably noon when he got up due to the hunger hitting his body. He didn't have any knowledge of food, so he decided to see if there were berries and fruit around. A forest is bound to have some of those right?

Izuku eventually found a couple of blueberries that seemed a bit too big to be called as such but still kept it around. He put the thing near his face, smelling the odor that clearly didn't smell that good. Wincing away for a moment, his stomach growled urging him to eat it.

With hesitation, he took a bit out of the blue fruit and his eyes shot wide open. It tasted good! Maybe it was the fact that he didn't eat at all since he had woken up or maybe the fruit was just that good. Izuku enjoyed eating it, so much so he took a few more off the tree. Thanks to his training with All Might, he was able to pull his body weight up and lift objects that weighed even more than him.

After finishing his lunch. Izuku continues onward. Feeling full and somewhat positive. The lands proved to be new and foreign. Climbing over rocks and boulders, ducking under crazy amounts of overgrowth. It was somewhat surreal.

Eventually, he found himself in a clearing. Hours had gone by, he would need to eat again soon. The sunset in the distance as he picked a spot to rest up. Taking a seat on the dry grass below and eating another of the smelly but tasty fruit.

Once the dark had come he took went back to sleep, hoping that this whole day was nothing but an illusion.

The next day~


Izuku had woken up to the sound of screams. His eyes frantically searching around. Getting up and not caring for the circumstances of himself, he races towards the source of the sounds of an animal growling.

Izuku ran through the tall dry grass. His pace never falling behind his will. Those screams and shouts came from people. He needed to save them!

Eventually, he broke through the tall grass and found the sight before him to be gruesome.

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