Dawn of Mankind (Ochako) part two

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Ten years later~

"And there!" Izuku says as he crossed out the four tick marks to make it a fifth. Dropping the stone on his side, he went out of the cave to get some more water. Near the river, the stream was a bucket that he quickly filled up and brought it back to his home.

The trip from the cave to his home was a short one. With partial clouds in the sky and a nice breeze against his nudity. Now assuming in his mid-twenties, life was different and easy for Izuku. He and Ocha became close over the years and eventually, he grew to even love this primitive female look-alike of Ochako. Their lives were an endless routine of hunting, sleeping, mating, and rinse and repeat.

"Papa!" Izuku looks to see his oldest racing after him. The father put down the large bucket to kneel down and hug his son.

"Minato!" Izuku picks him up before twirling his child in the air. The laughter came from the boy who sent happiness in Izuku's very being. Minato was three years old now. A very cheerful lad always looking at the positives in his surroundings.

"You didn't cause your mother any trouble did you?"

"No trouble!"


As father and son walked back to the hut with Minato being carried on the arm while the bucket of water being on the other. Entering the home which they loved so dearly and to be greeted by two females.

"Ahoha." Izuku smiles at this lover coming up to take Minato before kissing him on the cheek.

"Ah! Ah!" Another voice got his attention and it was his young daughter. Picking her up and hugging her, Izuku saw the cheerful smile that she shared with her mother.

As both parents walked to the campfire that Izuku had made. The father set down his one-year-old daughter next to him. He looked at his children with pride and joy.

Minato has only been about ten years old while his daughter Misuki only a year old now. Izuku was nervous about the idea of being a father but the concerns were different than it was when he was living in society. He didn't have to worry about the pressures of civilianization upon his children just more so the dangers of nature itself. Without vaccines, illness is expected to happen as Ochako has gotten sick more than he ever has over the ten year period. In fact, he never has gotten sick whatsoever.

This is why when they had Minato and later on Misuki, Izuku took extra care as to what the children would eat as he wasn't sure if his modern-day immunity was passed on like his intellect.

Listening to his wife(if that was the correct word) humming a lullaby to their son as he almost nods off into sleep but still remained awake to look at his father. Izuku picked up the little Misuki and looked at her. She looked exactly like her mother, brown hair and eyes and everything. Though she could walk, she wasn't able to talk yet, only sound out noises just like her mother. Izuku figures that maybe the time wasn't right yet.

"Let's get you to sleep little one." He says as he rocks her back and forth. After a while, she rested in his arms. Smiling down at her, Izuku put her next to a makeshift mat.

"Papa?" Izuku looks back at his son.

"What is it Minato?"

"I wanted to ask?" The child sat next to him as they both look at the young girl sleeping peacefully. Ochako looked at the pair of males with some interests but didn't really move.

"How come mama doesn't talk like we do?"

"That's because...she is different from me. Frankly, I didn't expect you or your sister to be able to understand me. But here you are, understanding me pretty well, just have to wait and see if your sister is the same."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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