Ode to John (Revised to fit a proper ode)

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Dedicated to my old therapist and good friend, John

I know that you're not here right now,

Though I really wish that you were.

I'll never forget all your jokes

About flip flops of polar bear fur.

I miss talking 'bout church and life

And getting to play stacks with you,

Or chatting away for an hour

'Bout a taxidermy petting zoo.

You made me a better person.

You helped me in my times of need.

You motivated me to change;

And for that, you're a true friend, indeed.

I always felt safe in that room.

Good advice you'd always supply.

You knew my strengths, my weaknesses;

We had a bond no one could deny.

I remember our parting gifts:

You gave me Biscoff and root beer;

And from me, the Book of Mormon,

Which you said to your heart you'd hold dear.

I still can't believe it has been

A whole year since our last embrace,

And though I've made many new friends,

You're someone I could never replace.

I think about you every day,

And think of just how close we grew.

There's just one thing I want to say:

John, I love you!

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