Painfully Bonded

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I'M trying to figure out where and what I want to do with Caspian and Kasey I have an idea but putting it together is really hard. REMEMBER, VOTE&COMMENT

Caspian's Pov

I could smell Kasey even though he was miles away, I'd been running for hours through the miles of woods that surrounded his house. It wasn't any use the effects of being this close to my mate without being with him where starting to get to me, not to mention my father decided to bring the rest of are pack up from Mississippi. I can't understand why we just don't go home and fight the hunters. I made a note to ask him once I was done running I stopped when I was hit by the smell of arousal I shifted back into my human form listening for sounds of someone around me then I mate with some muscle douche. It took everything I had in me not to kill the fucker who had his tongue in my mate's mouth I shifted back into wolf form and ran in the opposite direction my heart already breaking. I walked into the territory that the high Enchanters had been kind enough to turn into makeshift home's they'd offered to make more room in there house but being territorial beings my father refused. Instead they'd casted some kind of spell that turned the tall oaks into little cottages it really was beautiful and if I had my mate I wouldn't mind staying here...Mate..just thinking about him sent waves of pain all over my body. The mating bond gave me insight into why he wouldn't be with me, his eighteenth birthday was coming up he was set to become Prime of not only his coven but the entire enchanted kingdom every Enchanter big and small would be under his command but if they knew he was mated to a wolf there would surely be anarchy. I wanted so badly not to give a shit-to be like the old me but that Caspian disappeared the moment I looked into Kasey's eyes just thinking about what he-they..were probably doing by now sent another wave of pain through me I screamed as this one made my bones feel like they were on fire. My mother came into my room, Caspy what's going on, I'm fine I lied no. no you are not I wanted to be strong like the future Alpha I am but once she started to rub my back I broke down, wh..why won't he be ww..with me? Oh honey. he is doing what he thinks is best for his people but trust me he will come around. do you k..know? Let's just say a little birdy told me that the reason he has been experiencing these power attacks is because your wolf's essence is bonding with his magic, I looked up wiping

My eyes why isn't Ash's mate going through the same thing? His mother thinks it's because he's fighting his bond with you. You see mommy! he isn't going to accept me, he will! "mating bond's are too strong to break he can't fight it forever so just relax and let him come to you" "waiting isn't going to help you". I looked behind my mom to see James Ashton and his sister standing there.


Why are you crying? Kasey looked up at me, it's killing me I want him soooo bad but this idiotic coven..not to me..mention th..the Elders would create chaos if they discovered I was with anything outside of are species th..the..they would hang me if they even thought I was with a werewolf. Why haven't they hung me? B..Because you're not a leader let alone the Prime Enchanter, his body shivered under the blankets he was an absolute mess but he wouldn't show that weakness to anyone but me, not even Lila. Ashton said this would happen he had to except Caspian as his mate and if he wouldn't do it himself I knew someone who would know how to make him.

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