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The light from the moon shone through the window, illuminating the Gyffrindor common room. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were sitting in armchairs facing each other with a game of wizard's chess in between them. Even after 5 years of playing it, Harry was still terrible at it.

The boys were in the midst of it when their friend, Hermione Granger came in through the portrait hole. As usual, she was clutching a book.

"Why are you still up? We have a charms test tomorrow," Hermione scolded as she took a seat near them. Ron rolled his eyes at this and murmured something about her staying up too.

Hermione glared pointedly at him and said "I've been reading this really fascinating book, its called 'The Tale of Sophie and Agatha."

Harry and Ron immediately knew that they had to leave fast; Hermione could go on for hours talking about her books.

They quickly made excuses and retreated to the boys dormitories. Sighing, Hermione curled up in the armchair and went back to her book. Little did she know, years ago someone had already foreseen this very action.

§ 50 years earlier

Tom Riddle's shirt was still stained with blood. He pressed his fingers against the cold window. Although it was only November, ice had already started to envelope the streets. The sun was wavering; on the verge of sleep. Tom's thoughts wandered to the events of the previous night.

The first time he killed, the dreams tore his brain apart. It was as if his conscious was willing him to realize what he had done. But who listens to their conscious? Slowly it became easier and easier until he could mutter a curse shamelessly.

Last night it had been his Mudblood father's parents. Still he was getting tired and frustrated. Tom twisted the gold ring on his finger; he needed someone to confide in, someone to talk to at least. His "friends" had no idea about his real goal. Tom had always worked alone and this was no exception. Yet he still felt so...lonely.

The universe might have read his thoughts because at that moment a book flew out of nowhere and landed in front of Tom's feet.

Intrigued, he picked up the book. Inscribed on the front cover were the words: "The Tale of Callis and Vanessa."

He opened up the book expecting to see words but all of the pages were blank. Tom was about to toss the book aside when he noticed that on the back of the book there were very tiny dots. Suddenly he got a feeling that he was supposed to touch the dots. As soon as his finger lifted off of the last dot, he was sucked inside the book.

Tom landed headfirst into a wooden desk. When he got up, his eyes were watery and he could already feel a bruise forming where he had hit himself.

"Hello Tom," a voice boomed from the other side of the room.

Tom recoiled in disgust; he loathed his name. He raised his eyes to the speaker of the voice. It was a man wearing a long black cloak with a mask covering his whole face.

"Wh-Who are you?" Tom's voice was barely a whisper.

"My name is Rafal," came the answer. "But I go by School Master."

"Um okay," said Tom. "How did I even get here?"

"Even I don't understand why this worked but I'm the one who brought you here. I have been curious about portals for years. So I decided to make my own. I enlisted the help of a teacher, August Sader. We turned that book in to a portal and the rest is history," Rafal explained.

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