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In the 30th century:

Earth, as we know it, does not exist anymore.

Mankind has left the planet and spread all over the galaxy. A new human society has formed in countless colonies on a variety of planets.

For keeping up communication between each world the Comm has been invented, a network spanning around the entire galaxy.

Six enormous corporations control the Comm, fighting for absolute power over it.

They use mercenaries for several kinds of tasks – mainly for fighting other corporations and their respective mercenaries.

A mercenary career is one of the highest paid jobs in the galaxy. Many young people choose such a path.

Other people who have been fighting as soldiers in previous conflicts and have chosen a side continue to fight for their own cause.

For some of them it is a destiny. For others it is no more than a job.

Nobody believes that the conflict will ever end...

Unicorn Riders - Pinch (English)Where stories live. Discover now